I'm starting up a YouTube channel to try create a community of growers that help one another.

Do you really think the world will be better of with grow videos from someone who's motivation is more yield?

That's called spamming...

@Finshaggy: found you a protégé.

That is precisely what I thought! What a terrific introduction, maybe someday I can avail myself of your matchmaking resources, LOL!

Dude, what's your problem with me wanting to document my grow? You're pretty much telling me it's pointless because my motivation is greater yields, yes, because I want to be able to improve my growing skills through a community of other growers, and no, it's not spam at all.. if you feel it is then i'm sorry mate, but a few threads trying to bring growers together, to me, isn't spam.

Because of the tacky way you presented it. IE you are to busy to bother to use our forums but you want to avail yourself of our click through. So WHO was rude first?

Thank you,
Not even sure I ever start a thread in TnT :lol: but if you want to make shit up, keep posting threads in the spirituality and sexuality forum about how you got your balls sucked by a dog and suck cock for GHB.

Bring on the next tantrum and entertain me some more little homophobic bitch.

here are two pointless threads you started in toke and talk:



i fail to see how these threads make the world a better place, getting bigger yields is a subject most people on the site would like to hear about, why you would attack a newb for starting a thread actually about growing is beyond me.

keep befriending fags, it's the dutch way!