Compost tea


Well-Known Member
Lol what is an sst? I was just planning on doing compost and black strap molasses and brew it for a day or two
my favorite tea is actually a dandelion and comfrey tea, throw one big leaf per gallon of comfrey, and about five whole dandelion plants (roots included) then bubble for a week, it melts down to a nice earthy smelling frothy tea that the plants LOVE.
Dandelions are everywhere here in CA


Active Member
my favorite tea is actually a dandelion and comfrey tea, throw one big leaf per gallon of comfrey, and about five whole dandelion plants (roots included) then bubble for a week, it melts down to a nice earthy smelling frothy tea that the plants LOVE.
Dandelions are everywhere here in CA
Hahha well where i live its covered in snow right now so i cant get any! I was thinking about buying these... Has some pretty good stuff in it



Well-Known Member
Hahha well where i live its covered in snow right now so i cant get any! I was thinking about buying these... Has some pretty good stuff in it
those do have some fancy ingredients, but I wouldn't buy them unless they are super cheap, it's not needed, most of those dynamic accumulators do best when fresh anyways, and the manure i'm not a fan of, especially considering its the first ingredient. I think the industry is booming right now, and people are getting on the tea bandwagon, like almost everything organic, you'll do better with a "less refined" approach, the closet you can get to the base ingredient the better. Especially if you are a no-till, slow releasing nutrients are your best buddy
Nothing wrong with those products though, if you want shortcuts, and there is nothing wrong with that. Life is busy


Well-Known Member
please be wary of spreading information like that, it's absolutely very very easy to burn the bejesus out of cannabis using organics.
blood meal, cow manure, horse manure, sheep manure, goat manure (most any manure) fish emulsion squid emulsion, etc, etc, etc. Hell a soil that is perfectly ideal for growing cannabis may burn the hell out of them by simply not allowing it to age.
And you do not want to use kelp in an AACT, according to the experts that back up their statements with microscopes.
compost/ewc and molasses, and aerate, no more than that.
The ingredients I gave him will not burn his plant


Well-Known Member
I water with my teas personally. Plants love it. It is almost impossible to get nute burn by using organics.
this is what I quoted, merely stating that a blanket statement such as this is misleading to inexperienced growers or those looking for help, like the majority of the people on this site.
The ingredients I gave him will not burn his plant
Your first post didn't specify.
Not nit-picking, just saying that, that statement could create problems for those that take it as the truth.


Well-Known Member
you will see kelp as a ingredient in their tea.
than add kelp to your AAC teas, no problem for me. personally I do not, on the advice of somebody much more knowledgable on the subject and one who has a microscope to back up his findings/statements.
I'm not going to argue, add what you want to, it's not going to hurt your plants.
My advice is to be a lil more open-minded regarding the subject since you said it's your first time with it, maybe listen to those that have done it for years. Not just your friends.
I don't know it all, and I don't claim to, i'm merely repeating what I've read and learned.
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Well-Known Member
this is what I quoted, merely stating that a blanket statement such as this is misleading to inexperienced growers or those looking for help, like the majority of the people on this site.

Your first post didn't specify.
Not nit-picking, just saying that, that statement could create problems for those that take it as the truth.
Actually my first post said exactly what to put in it. It also says that it is just a basic brew and that there are many other recipes to use. I've been very open minded unlike you. I even backed up my claim with a link to a knowledgeable website. You have simply said to have a friend who used a microscope and gave his own opinion. That sounds like a bunch of he said she said bs. Microbes feed off the kelp, it helps them multiply. I havent been growing cannabis for long but I grew up around growers my whole life and I wouldn't say something unless 100% sure his plants are safe.


Well-Known Member
Sorry if you only use one tea, a lot of people will use several different teas throughout one grow.


Well-Known Member
Actually my first post said exactly what to put in it. It also says that it is just a basic brew and that there are many other recipes to use. I've been very open minded unlike you. I even backed up my claim with a link to a knowledgeable website. You have simply said to have a friend who used a microscope and gave his own opinion. That sounds like a bunch of he said she said bs. Microbes feed off the kelp, it helps them multiply. I havent been growing cannabis for long but I grew up around growers my whole life and I wouldn't say something unless 100% sure his plants are safe.
you are misreading me, i'm probably the nicest person on this site my brother.
go search for Tim the microbe man.
I don't know the link.
It's not my buddy said this, and he grows good herb, type of thing....


Active Member
Actually my first post said exactly what to put in it. It also says that it is just a basic brew and that there are many other recipes to use. I've been very open minded unlike you. I even backed up my claim with a link to a knowledgeable website. You have simply said to have a friend who used a microscope and gave his own opinion. That sounds like a bunch of he said she said bs. Microbes feed off the kelp, it helps them multiply. I havent been growing cannabis for long but I grew up around growers my whole life and I wouldn't say something unless 100% sure his plants are safe.
Its cool guys no need to argue. Were all here to help eachother and give ideas. Some ideas and knowledge differ. Im running the GO BOX from general organics right now and it includes a bottle of kelp or seaweed cant remember but im gonna add a lil bit of that to the brew with compost and blackstrap molasses and see how my girls like it.


Well-Known Member
fungi feed off of kelp. I've always used kelp meal in my compost tea. Sometimes I add alfalfa and kelp to my sst. I'd love to use some dandelions and comfrey. Dandelions are pretty scarce in the desert. I don't have the space to grow comfrey. I also use rosemary, peppermint, chocolate mint, lavender, nettle sometimes.

I have a kelp in a tea at least once a week.

oats are good for.compost teas too. Promotes fungi production


Well-Known Member
Sorry if you only use one tea, a lot of people will use several different teas throughout one grow.
here ya go man.
edit--- my bad
here is the right one
here is a quote
2/ that kelp meal initially delays all microbial development in a liquid but does feed fungi and bacteria/archaea following 24 hours. If too much is used the effects are suppressive. From this I garnered that it should be used very sparingly and one must be prepared to brew a little longer if using this foodstock. Again, this does not mean that kelp meal is not a good thing to use in/on soil. It definitely is!
Like I said, for an AACT, I use just EWC and molasses, you can throw whatever you wat, but his studies have show that a simple recipe of EWC and molasses is most effective.
Most any organic nutrients with have tons of microbes and such in them, you can brew whatever you want. AGAIN, like I said it wont hurt your plants but if a high number of microbes is youe end goal, a molasses and ewc brew is the easiest and the most effective.
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Well-Known Member
I'm sure you have read my posts on what I think of microbe man. He makes some good.points and others are just poppycock lol. He is more of a sales man pushing his vortex brewers and microscopes. He has changed things on his site after they were dismissed and proved wrong on the rols thread. Read up o. Elaine inghams books. people dismiss Elaine Ingham too for charging money. She has a phd in microbiology. Gotta pay off a lifetime of student loans somehow..... She is chief scientist at the Rodale Institute and founder of soil food web inc. Tim microbe man has zero formal education. He says on his site he is self taught. So take.his words with a grain of salt. Ingham also does lots of charity work in third world countries.
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Well-Known Member
this is what I quoted, merely stating that a blanket statement such as this is misleading to inexperienced growers or those looking for help, like the majority of the people on this site.

Your first post didn't specify.
Not nit-picking, just saying that, that statement could create problems for those that take it as the truth.
I'm sorry if i sounded like a dick as i'm not trying to be and I can see how I worded that statement may be a bit misleading. What I meant is that the ingredients in my previous post are almost impossible to give nute burn to the plant. Meaning the compost, castings, kelp, and molasses are pretty safe. Obviously one should always research anything else you put in your tea before brewing it.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you have read my posts on what I think of microbe man. He makes some good.points and others are just poppycock lol. He is more of a sales man pushing his vortex brewers and microscopes. He has changed things on his site after they were dismissed and proved wrong on the rols thread. Read up o. Elaine inghams books. people dismiss Elaine Ingham too for charging money. She has a phd in microbiology. Gotta pay off a lifetime of student loans somehow..... She is chief scientist at the Rodale Institute and founder of soil food web inc. Tim microbe man has zero formal education. He says on his site he is self taught. So take.his words with a grain of salt.
I live by the wisdom of Hyroot:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you have read my posts on what I think of microbe man. He makes some good.points and others are just poppycock lol. He is more of a sales man pushing his vortex brewers and microscopes. He has changed things on his site after they were dismissed and proved wrong on the rols thread. Read up o. Elaine inghams books. people dismiss Elaine Ingham too for charging money. She has a phd in microbiology. Gotta pay off a lifetime of student loans somehow..... She is chief scientist at the Rodale Institute and founder of soil food web inc. Tim microbe man has zero formal education. He says on his site he is self taught. So take.his words with a grain of salt.
ahh yes, the ingham Vs microbeman...
I do not own a microscope, and like I have said on numerous occasions I am repeating what more knowledgable people have said, I cannot attest to it, via a microscope.
So really, unless I go buy a microscope and do it that way, there is only repeating what I have learned.


Well-Known Member
I live by the wisdom of Hyroot:bigjoint:
I also value hyroot opinion, as well as others.
He is a valuable addition to this site, no doubt.
But many other people have said conflicting things as well.
And like I said, unless I go get a fancy microscope I can only repeat what I have read.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry if i sounded like a dick as i'm not trying to be and I can see how I worded that statement may be a bit misleading. What I meant is that the ingredients in my previous post are almost impossible to give nute burn to the plant. Meaning the compost, castings, kelp, and molasses are pretty safe. Obviously one should always research anything else you put in your tea before brewing it.
no problem man, like I said (if I could humbly) I am pretty laidback, and one of the nicer people on this forum (sadly not saying much)
I accept your apology as well as offering you my own.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you have read my posts on what I think of microbe man. He makes some good.points and others are just poppycock lol. He is more of a sales man pushing his vortex brewers and microscopes. He has changed things on his site after they were dismissed and proved wrong on the rols thread. Read up o. Elaine inghams books. people dismiss Elaine Ingham too for charging money. She has a phd in microbiology. Gotta pay off a lifetime of student loans somehow..... She is chief scientist at the Rodale Institute and founder of soil food web inc. Tim microbe man has zero formal education. He says on his site he is self taught. So take.his words with a grain of salt. Ingham also does lots of charity work in third world countries.
LOL! I don't know why you have such a negative opinion of Tim. I've belonged to a couple different organic sites (one that he runs) that he is a member of and not one time has he tried to sell something, or even hinted at it. Not having a degree hanging on the wall doesn't mean that he's not very well versed on the topic, and capable of observing microbial populations on a slide.

You don't have a botany degree, so should we assume that you suck at growing plants and disregard any info you post on growing plants?