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george who the fk doesn't want to live for free, be fed meals and get head from multiple crazy ass bitches...? who wldnt mind their 15 minutes of fame and have ppl callin em lord and shit all day long? sure as shit beats a humdrum existence huh?

dare I say you'll never be able to duplicate anything similar to the attention you received again, that is unless you go back to prison or a mental institution. you say you don't want to be worshipped, but that's a bunch of horse cock bullshit! buy hey some ppl are more desperate for attention than others, so go get where ya can I guess. the problem for you as I see it, is you've bought into the recognition you received from a bunch of deviants and insane people. so where does that leave you in the end? george george george

Yes, maybe I had a few cults? I don't know.

My biggest "following" was when I went to prison in the year 2009, for fighting with My dad. I don't have any criminal record, so I spent 2 months in prison and never got convicted of a crime.

Anyways, I was telling My fellow inmates My story, and before I knew it, the whole prison was calling Me "Jesus". I don't believe most of My fellow inmates knew My Name is actually George, because the whole prison was calling Me "Jesus".

I made good friends with most of the people in prison. They would ask Me to lay My hands on them and pray for My fellow inmates, and I usually did.

Even some of the CO's (Correctional Officers) slipped up and called Me Jesus, too.

They used to sing songs for Me while we were going to eat, or whenever. I can remember one song that they used to sing to Me. It was Jesus walks by Kanye West. I will now play that song.

KanYe West - Jesus Walks

Anyways, everyone was good to Me in prison.

And then there were a few mental hospitals where I had a few people call Me "Jesus", Lord, God, Christ, or whatever: but that was only a few people, and not everyone believed in Me.

But now, I am not looking for that kind of attention in real life. I don't want to be worshipped, so whats the point?

I also had some good times in mental hospitals too. For example, in one mental hospital, I got blow jobs from 3 different girls, and I was having sex with one of them too, and they were very hott.

Nobody sucks cock like a crazy.

Haha, but not everyone is "a crazy" just because they are in a mental hospital.

Sometimes people just need a pill, and they are fine after.

I have meet many smart, sane, logical, reasonable, humble, caring, astute, etc., people in the mental hospitals.

But, I could see how it would be easy to judge people if you have never been to a mental hospital.

Sometimes, people only spend a few weeks inside the mental hospital, and then they are released. Some people only need a couple of weeks, and some people might even need to stay a whole month or longer. It depends on the individual.

Haha, but not everyone is "a crazy" just because they are in a mental hospital.

Sometimes people just need a pill, and they are fine after.

I have meet many smart, sane, logical, reasonable, humble, caring, astute, etc., people in the mental hospitals.

But, I could see how it would be easy to judge people if you have never been to a mental hospital.

Sometimes, people only spend a few weeks inside the mental hospital, and then they are released. Some people only need a couple of weeks, and some people might even need to stay a whole month or longer. It depends on the individual.

Seems to me that you might need sent back.
Yes, maybe I had a few cults? I don't know.

My biggest "following" was when I went to prison in the year 2009, for fighting with My dad. I don't have any criminal record, so I spent 2 months in prison and never got convicted of a crime.

Anyways, I was telling My fellow inmates My story, and before I knew it, the whole prison was calling Me "Jesus". I don't believe most of My fellow inmates knew My Name is actually George, because the whole prison was calling Me "Jesus".

I made good friends with most of the people in prison. They would ask Me to lay My hands on them and pray for My fellow inmates, and I usually did.

Even some of the CO's (Correctional Officers) slipped up and called Me Jesus, too.

They used to sing songs for Me while we were going to eat, or whenever. I can remember one song that they used to sing to Me. It was Jesus walks by Kanye West. I will now play that song.

And then there were a few mental hospitals where I had a few people call Me "Jesus", Lord, God, Christ, or whatever: but that was only a few people, and not everyone believed in Me.
But now, I am not looking for that kind of attention in real life. I don't want to be worshipped, so whats the point?

The really sad part here is that George is so delusional that he does not realize nor understand that people are poking fun at him because they know that he is crazy. He thinks these people are being sincere in their proclamations and actually believe he is christ. Even on this site people enjoy fucking with him and calling him lord, but George is the only one not in on the joke. Wow...

I also had some good times in mental hospitals too. For example, in one mental hospital, I got blow jobs from 3 different girls, and I was having sex with one of them too, and they were very hott.

While the sex may have been good, I'm afraid those weren't women -



The really sad part here is that George is so delusional that he does not realize nor understand that people are poking fun at him because they know that he is crazy. He thinks these people are being sincere in their proclamations and actually believe he is christ. Even on this site people enjoy fucking with him and calling him lord, but George is the only one not in on the joke. Wow...

While the sex may have been good, I'm afraid those weren't women -




Whole thing just leaves me really conflicted. On the one hand he seems like a decent enough person, and then on the other he clearly has mental health problems and we could be enabling his delusions.

I'm nowhere near qualified enough to continue talking to him. Might do more harm than good.
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Whole thing just leaves me really conflicted. On the one hand he seems like a decent enough person, and then on the other he clearly has mental health problems and we could be enabling his delusions.

I'm nowhere near qualified enough to continue talking to him. Might do more harm than good.

I am fine in real life.

Let Me show you the facts about Myself, and a good part of why I believe Myself...

You should only believe in Me after you see My facts, My evidence, My prophecies, the Bible stories that I have fulfilled, and also after you get to know Me, etc..

I am not a cult leader, so I could care less who believes in Me. Its not like I am trying to start a cult, I just want to be known and respected.

Its a fact that I am alive right now.

Its not a fact that any major religion has their prophet alive.

For example; Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Moses, or any alleged "god", they're all dead.

I am alive.

I will die one day, too, but I have an autobiography of My Life.

You can know for certain exactly what I have said.

You can watch videos of Me, and see what I look like, what I talk like, you can listen to some of My prophecies, you can learn empirical facts about Me, etc..

I will be recorded forever. Its a fact that I am alive, and its a fact that I am a real person; born of mother Mary.

Its a fact that My Name is "George Manuel Oliveira".

Its a fact that My Name means "Farmer God is with us, olive tree."

Its a fact that the Bible mentions the olive tree many times, if you read, "Romans 11:16-26".

Its a fact that Jesus (allegedly) said that he would have a "NEW NAME", if you read "Revelation 3:12".

Its a fact that My mothers name is "Mary".

Its a fact that My initals are GMO, for George Manuel Oliveira.

Its a fact that GMO stands for "Genetically Modified Organism".

Its a fact that My initials, GMO, backwards is OMG.

Its a fact that OMG stands for "O My God".

Its a fact that My dads name is Nuno.

Its a fact that the name Nuno, sounds exactly like saying the words "knew no".

Its known that "Mary knew no man". If you use semantics, that sounds exactly like saying, "Mary... Nuno- man".

I have a myraid amount of facts about Myself.

I am not even showing you all the Bible stories that I have fulfilled.

And My prophecies, and My prophecies are great too.

If I am ever the King of the world, I will have My own global online government. And the people of the world will take the place of the politicians, and the whole world can vote from their computers. My government is the apex of politics.

I could go on why I believe in Myself.

But, I am just a humble person with no power to implement My plans. Its all good in theory, but I am not a lawmaker or politician.

I blog on the internet to try and reach people that can help Me, and the rest of the world.

But, no, no one needs to believe in Me.

I am Blessed!

George just listen to what ive got say here please...

you keep saying "You should only believe in Me after you see My facts, My evidence".

im just wondering what you actually mean bt " you should"?

it seems to sound like your not too positive your self......" you should" sounds like " you should if its true"......or " you should if you believe".

what does "You should " mean George?
As I said George, I'm not qualified nor capable of having this discussion with you.

This all seems like stuff you should be talking to a professional about. Not a forum of pot growers.