mold problen


Well-Known Member
Some seedlings. I know they are kinda dry lol. They arent in coco this time. They have a pink tint to them. The mold is only seen through the microscope. In past plants the soil would not dry out very much. It almost seems like some type of gel. There have been times where it has gone 3 weeks under lights and fans and hasn't dried out



Well-Known Member
Seedling with pink hue. If you look at the leaves under a microscope you will see the cells are surrounded by mycelium and some type of blister that look like oogonium (sp?)



Well-Known Member
In the 10 years my partner has done this they haven't seen anything like this.

They noticed that if we wait a little while before starting new seeds the problems take a little longer to hit. And once hit the growth slows but if you leave them in the dark they will grow.

it doesn't seem to spread by contact to clothes or by person as I have come from my partners house to mine and it didn't spread to the plants at my old house.


Well-Known Member
You need some better pictures for this. You said something about gel being in the soil? would that be soilmoist gel? I know they put it in some potting mixes. If it is maybe cannabis just don't like it.


Well-Known Member
[QUITE="Dr.Pecker, post: 11111943, member: 875432"]You need to have your water tested. If its killing plants I wouldn't even drink it. Do you have city water? does it smell like chlorine?[/QUOTE]
It Is city water. There is definitely chlorine in the water. It doesn't really smell like it though unless in large quantities


Well-Known Member
I think I read something like you had your room 130 and again at 18 degrees? Don't do that. Keep it at 78 degrees mold and bugs don't like it.


Well-Known Member
You need some better pictures for this. You said something about gel being in the soil? would that be soilmoist gel? I know they put it in some potting mixes. If it is maybe cannabis just don't like it.
The "gel" seems to only be found once the infection is bad. We have used many different soils over the last couple months trying to see if that is the problem. Used the same bag in two different places and one place it is fine and the other the problems occur.


Well-Known Member
Fill some jugs up let them sit out for a couple days and see if the chlorine will evaporate off. You might need a water purifier. You should still test your water.


Well-Known Member
I think I read something like you had your room 130 and again at 18 degrees? Don't do that. Keep it at 78 degrees mold and bugs don't like it.
Normal environment for the room is 75-78 set by an evc. Humidity is set between 50-60% it's controlled very well. ppm meters everything is very well dialed in. Never had this problem in 10+ years of growing. Started about 6months after moving in to a new house.

The extreme Temps were just an attempt to control the problem. They aren't normal room room conditions.


Well-Known Member
We were using an RO machine but stopped due to fears of it being in the filter.

Have used bottled water and water used from a different area that we used to use for growing where we never had these problems and the problems still occur.

It's been 2 years and we can't get a plant over 6 inches from the problem area.

have brought in perfectly healthy clones fully rooted with gallons of water from where the clones were grown and from 2 days to 2 weeks the problems still appear