unbreakable, but what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, so I'm over here smoking some stuff I grew out and I decided I want a new water pipe.
I prefer to roll bake or make edibles but sometimes I just want a nice water hit, the only problem is I keep breaking the glass ones. lost a couch potato and my new one, so out about 600 just on those two together.
I hate to admit that but it's true. One I can fix I just need a new stem so it's not like shattered. ANywayyy. ( sorry weed making me too talkative)
I found this when I was searching for unbreakable water pipes
First the total for what I want is about..(looks in cart) 344.00 out the door.

I'm a medical patient so I really don't have spare cash BUT if it lasts and I can stop replacing them then I'm going to do it eventually.

what do you think of it? I obviously think it's nifty but I want other opinions,

I haven't searched a long time, so if you have one that you think is as good or better and also not easily broken or unbreakable, pls let me know. thanks!

*note, edited this post 3 times already.. Birthday cake has me retyping like an idiot.
Not my fault! anyway, link for waterpipe is below.



**Update** nevermind I went ahead and just ordered it.
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Well-Known Member
I got this for like $110... with a solid wide base, and mega-thickness, it will survive better than its predecessor.

On top of that.... its a 24 arm perc man... Now I just need to replace my current nail w/ a domeless....
thanks that's a nice one, but I'd break it . just happens. I already ordered the one I was looking at anyway,
should be here today. lifetime warranty and I won't break it. I have plenty of pretty pieces
that sit on my shelf for fear of being broken.