Products to pass a drug test


Well-Known Member
plenty of water my mate. If its a urine test, another option that can be used is get a none user to piss in a latex glove and tie it under your balls. Cannabis tests through piss for about 28 days, amphetamine 10, opiates 7. Plenty of water reduces these by days. Don't over water.


Well-Known Member
if it is done at home and doesn't affect their job?

WTF should it matter... have no clue on this !

ODD... I think your jerking off affects your work and maybe your employer should know about it and fire your ass. :lol:

kidding...same deal... :)


Well-Known Member
if it is done at home and doesn't affect their job?

WTF should it matter... have no clue on this !

ODD... I think your jerking off affects your work and maybe your employer should know about it and fire your ass. :lol:

kidding...same deal... :)
I employ people and it should matter because "addicts" typically can't keep it just at home.
If they could, I wouldn't have nearly as much of an issue. I have employees who are stoned on weed every day and that's fine, but if you're doing hard drugs on my time than I should have the right to prove that and fire you.

Instead, we just fire based on "department restructuring" or "performance metrics".
Haven't actually had a drug issue yet, but it's always a possibility.


Well-Known Member
I read over what you just said.... I don't even know why I bothered saying what I did.
You've got no clue!

Sorry kid. Keep at it.


Well-Known Member
I got news for ya :) ..... I bet more than HALF the people that'd work for you are on some type of drug!
Yourself included. ppphhhttt :lol:
If they work?. They work!. If they don't?..... Fire their ass!.
Simple shit really... "kids" don't seem to understand this simple concept. :)
Are you from Ontario?
Firing people here is difficult.

Also, everytime we work on pot related projects I'm reminded that most of my team is straight edge.


Well-Known Member
With the amount of time you spend on here daily and at your age?
You don't work! ;-)
Bang on man. Apparently everyone thinks they know my age. Maybe it's just because I know how to use commas and periods so everyone assumes I'm 14. I may or may not actually be an adult.