need my fellow stones help

o0 uRbAn BlAzEr 0o

Active Member
Hi guys I know I'm new but in need of a massive community favour.

Basically I'm planning on proposing to my girlfriend of seven years on Xmas eve.already got the ring but wanted to do it in a way she would remember forever.

My idea is to get as many people as I can from around the globe to hold up cards saying for example "merry Xmas Sarah! Love from new York"

Then on the last card it will be me saying love u blah blah will you marry me.then I will be there on one knee ready for the answer.

Any place any country guys,wouod be especially nice if we had some partisans etc join in :)

Only got 3 weeks to get this all together so I'm hoping you guys will help me get an amazing blow job Xmas eve haha

Many thanks :)

o0 uRbAn BlAzEr 0o

Active Member
I'm going to make a video of all the pics for her to watch then the last part will be me holding the marry me card. At which point I'll be down on one knee waiting to be told no haha


Staff member
I'm going to make a video of all the pics for her to watch then the last part will be me holding the marry me card. At which point I'll be down on one knee waiting to be told no haha
so you want a marijuana growing board to show their faces?
i mean if youre a completly new member not a lot of trust established i doubt you will get many here that will comply sorry but goodluck!

o0 uRbAn BlAzEr 0o

Active Member
I don't mind if yell want to wear mask etc I've got a football forum on with it aswell just want to get as many places and pics as possible


Staff member
hmm im neither in agreement or disagreement but i dont think its tacky so much
i think your point of view is totally valid but i think people choose christmas time because of the atmosphere pretty lights around trees, happiness, family, fancy parties ect


Well-Known Member
Dont ask her on Xmas eve!!!!! That is lame as hell. So her Xmas gift is a ring? You are mashing the 2 special occasions....I think guys that do this are stoooopid.... and cheap
I don't think the idea is stupid, but I am siding w/ Diabolical on this. Think of it this way: Now your anniversary will be on Christmas eve. Fast fwd to when you have kids and she's running around like a mad woman having to make Christmas "happen" for the whole family and there's no time to feel special and celebrate your anniversary. Just saying. Holiday anniversaries (like Valentine's day, Christmas, etc) and Holiday weddings are problematic.

I know your revved up to do it, but maybe wait until Jan? Ilike your idea, shows creativity.

ONE THING TO REMEMBER WITH WOMEN: Quality over quantity. We (women) like to know our men put time, thought and effort into a gift, or a special evening, It's not the amount you spend or the pricey gifts as it is the knowing for us that you put THOUGHT and HEART into it. (which qualifies you b/c you;re planning a sweet proposal) But if your macro plan doesn't work, you can make it very romantic without involving crowds of people. That may make her feel pressured to say yes to one of the biggest life decisions. Consider making it a bit more intimate. Make her feel like she's the only one in the room, (or park, or wherever place if it's public)

BTW: (rant ahead, o0 uRbAn you can stop reading now :-) )

What is it with over the top proposals and invitations to prom etc? They are all over YOUtube. Do people really need that much attention? proposing is highly intimate and personal and should never be done in front of a waiting crowd/group of bystanders. This is not meant to be critical of the OP, just an overall opinion.
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