need my fellow stones help


Well-Known Member
I'm with Diabolical and Hooka on this one. Not sure if the engagement has an anniversary date but with all the Xmas excitement anyway wouldn't it be better in January, when things settle down?

The way you want to do it is quite sweet though. I'm sure after 7 years she will say yes. It's make or break time!!!!!

I think I'll drag my bf down to the jewellers to show him what I like, that way he'll think I've forgotten and it'll all be a big surprise. If/when that day ever comes. Lol


Well-Known Member
I don't think the idea is stupid, but I am siding w/ Diabolical on this. Think of it this way: Now your anniversary will be on Christmas eve. Fast fwd to when you have kids and she's running around like a mad woman having to make Christmas "happen" for the whole family and there's no time to feel special and celebrate your anniversary. Just saying. Holiday anniversaries (like Valentine's day, Christmas, etc) and Holiday weddings are problematic.

I know your revved up to do it, but maybe wait until Jan? Ilike your idea, shows creativity.
Wrong. He proposes on Xmas eve, not marries on Xmas eve. They'll be married on what ever date they wish. I think its a great time to propose and Xmas proposal will be a great memory without having to "share" the holiday with the anniversary.


Well-Known Member
Wrong. He proposes on Xmas eve, not marries on Xmas eve. They'll be married on what ever date they wish. I think its a great time to propose and Xmas proposal will be a great memory without having to "share" the holiday with the anniversary.
Yes yes. my bad. You're right. I guess I got to eager to bitch and rant about over the top proposals etc. Thanks SM


Well-Known Member
jam your dick in her ass and right as youre coming ask if she'll marry you.. then if she says yes ask her to make you a sandwich.. if she says no.. ask for a sandwich anyway