Cigarette smokers: the cheapest way to smoke cigarettes. Save $3k a year or more.

George cigarette tobacco is so fucking expensive here its $19 for a 25 gram packet, that lasts me 2 days max! so that's nearly $70 a week. All tobacco products are very highly taxed here and I don't think there's much of a black market for bulk tobacco
I just picked up two cartons of those pre-rolled cigs I mentioned in a previous post. I love going on Thursday nights because the clerk is a gorgeous 20 year old university student. A natural read head (no freckles) with an awesome body, just sexy as HELL. I've seen two or three guys hit on her hard, and I asked her if that got tiring. She said that she was used to it, as she hears it all day long. I'll fucking bet she does. She took me out to her car to get the cigs as is the procedure, and it's a silver, late model Lexus SUV. A rich Daddy's girl, to boot. Nice personality, too. I'm not normally a violent man, but given the chance I just may kidnap her...
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I just picked up two cartons of those pre-rolled cigs I mentioned in a previous post. I love going on Thursday nights because the clerk is a gorgeous 20 year old university student. A natural read head (no freckles) with an awesome body, just sexy as HELL. I've seen two or three guys hit on her hard, and I asked her if that got tiring. She said that she was used to it, as she hears it all day long. I'll fucking bet she does. She took me out to her car to get the cigs as is the procedure, and it's a silver, late model Lexus SUV. A rich Daddy's girl, to boot. Nice personality, too. I'm not normally a violent man, but given the chance I just may kidnap her...
That's the only way you can get good-looking rich pussy?
Whatever happened to a wad of cash and a pocket full of e-pills?
What is the world coming to?
George cigarette tobacco is so fucking expensive here its $19 for a 25 gram packet, that lasts me 2 days max! so that's nearly $70 a week. All tobacco products are very highly taxed here and I don't think there's much of a black market for bulk tobacco
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Here is a tip for you:

Try and only smoke one cigarette per hour. You will get used to it, plus you are saving your lungs.

So, instead of maybe smoking a pack a day, try and smoke a half pack a day.

It would almost be good if you just quit smoking, but that is very hard. Its either you cut back smoking, quit, or pay that rediculous price.

I pay about $30 for 1,000 cigarettes. So $30 worth of tabacco will last Me two months or more.


If you "Ignore" Me, you won't have to read My "drivel".

I think you love to try and debunk everything I say.

Please ignore Me. I am tired of your rude, nonsensical, illogical, inane, arrogant, mean, and hubris rhetoric.

Go troll someone else.


If you "Ignore" Me, you won't have to read My "drivel".

I think you love to try and debunk everything I say.

Please ignore Me. I am tired of your rude, nonsensical, illogical, inane, arrogant, mean, and hubris rhetoric.

Go troll someone else.

who are you talking to ?
Why does he annoy you?


I don't know why he likes to annoy Me.

Maybe because he is a headstrong Atheist, and I am claiming to be the Christ? A conflict of interests?

Tyler has called Me all sorts of ignorant names, and I am sure that he knows he doesn't like Me, so he resorts to name calling.

I would very much like for tyler to ignore Me, because I'm sure he can spend his time doing better things than undermining Me.

I used to debate with tyler all the time, but now I refuse to awknowlege him.

A troll he is.

I don't know why he likes to annoy Me.

Maybe because he is a headstrong Atheist, and I am claiming to be the Christ? A conflict of interests?

Tyler has called Me all sorts of ignorant names, and I am sure that he knows he doesn't like Me, so he resorts to name calling.

I would very much like for tyler to ignore Me, because I'm sure he can spend his time doing better things than undermining Me.

I used to debate with tyler all the time, but now I refuse to awknowlege him.

A troll he is.
