Demonstrably? Maybe you are like bucky.
100 million people living in abject poverty.
Lack of adequate health care a major problem for many people.
Yeah sounds socialist to me.
Certainly China has socialist elements at somewhere. But it's hard to shoehorn them into one type.
They're capitalist in a true sense more so than anyone else in many ways.
socialism is defined by state control of industry, not "Fairness"
Marx explained that Socialist State would be extremely unfair.
It was part of the plan.
"The Socialist State was, in his view, a necessary step in the process of Communist Revolution.
The Socialist State had several jobs to do, including:
De-Radicalizing the Revolutionaries" (disarming them and ensuring they would stop revolutioning once the Vanguard was in control)
Ensuring that no Counter-Revolutionaries" would disrupt the "Reforms" to follow
"Re-Educating" the proletariat in the glories of "Scientific Marxism" (whether they liked it or not)
Forcibly "Redistributing" the "Means of Production" into the hands of The State (for later disbursement to the proles on that grand day when "Socialism" evolved into "Communism")
Protecting "The State" from threats to the "Revolution" from within and from without
Ensuring that the tyranny of the proletariat and the proles' ignorant selfish desires (for little things like food) dont muck up the grand design
Setting the stage for the eventual glorious "Evolution" into Utopian Communism (which has never ever happened)
china remains a strictly socialist state to this day, all their "reforms" and "capitalism" are just stage dressing for the proles.