2 week old plant roots coming out of bucket

Its an autoflower, so this is normal I shouldnt stress?
Me and my partner were actually flushing her and he was shaking the pot but thrusting down so the water could come out easier, I didn't notice till he picked up but I saw roots coming out idk if they were knocked out or if there just growing out, I'm confused because its only 2 weeks old
I had the same problem 3 days ago,I cut roots. Someone that knows stuff told me it would have pruned itself. Oh I'm growing hempy it was coming out my drain hole.I
don't know if it's the same for any thing else.Good Luck!
I would just get down in there and make sure that hole is clear of roots. reposition the roots if you will. And just trim off the root that made it to the outside of the pot. no biggie.
Sorry bout that
when u said roots i thought u ment like ROOTS lol im talking like a mat of roots man u can not see the black part of my pots due to roots that there get some scissors and cut it off there just water roots u dont wanna be cutting the tap roots tho there big thick fuckers about the size of ur little finger but them water roots just cut or poke back up into the pots