Vertical Scrog LED Closet Grow || Flooded Tube/ NFT || 450w - Headband - 2’ x 3’

Are these LEDs going to produce fat, sticky buds?

  • The buds are going to be amazing and you'll wonder why anyone uses HIDs.

    Votes: 18 19.1%
  • The buds will be good, and the yield will be good compared to the power used.

    Votes: 33 35.1%
  • The buds are going to be fluffy and weak and you'll wonder why anyone flowers with LEDs.

    Votes: 10 10.6%
  • Why not just wait and see?

    Votes: 33 35.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Compost and red worms are your friends if you want to grow happy outdoor plants. Keep feeding the soil composted materials to enrich the organic matrix. Find local sources for manure, compost, worms, and knowledge.

I know you will be a local in no time! Can't wait to visit :)

Do as many things as you can to make your wife's day easier. Be totally selfless. It will make all of the difference in the world.

Expose Hannah to as much reading, music, art, food, science, and dancing as you can possibly fit in a day. Ask her questions all of the time to gage her perceptions and help her steer through the minefields of education.

My daughter was 22 when she discovered that Alaska was connected to North America. She assumed Alaska was an island because U.S. maps show it in the water with Hawaii! It is amazing what simple things can slip through the cracks.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tips jd and mo.tough balancing act with two ladies.

Jad3, what had your fam move from canada to europe?

Here's the garden as of 5 minutes ago. I've been cutting a lot off these gals in hopes they don't overfill the closet again. "Overfill your trolley, underspend your budget" a motto from some british grocery store that my wife says a lot, in her horrible scottish accent. Sorry, anyways, hopefully the plants wont get too bushy with half their branches missing. We'll see though.

Had a lovely time out with my wife yesterday. It was the second day in a row we were without our kid and out on the town. What a revelation. I do actually still like my wife and her me. It's just near impossible to see when there's a little one running around. We're going to have to figure it out.

My baby in my shoes:

Post rain so cal. It was prettier in person:

The plants in the DWC, the roots on the big one, some trimmings, and what they look like now.

And a christmas tree to send you off with a holiday cheer. :)



Well-Known Member
Those are beastly roots!! Very nice, I bet those plants will fill in your screen nicely man. When you planning on flipping them?

Its amazing how much difference the little ones can make just in daily dealings with our spouses. Your not alone man. My wife and I love each other very much, but its really hard some times to deal with everything, and still treat each other the same. You ever feel like shooting the shit about stuff, you got my number :), and your always welcome to call(which I don't say to many people).


Well-Known Member
I would have flipped a couple days ago, but I'm waiting till saturday when I get my lights back. The one panel isn't enough for the vert set up. Pretty sure I'm picking up more lights as well to put above everything. Should be a good round.

And thank you for the support. :)


Well-Known Member
Glad you went out with the wifey and found the spark still tingling! haha I guess that's what it's all about. To keep finding eachother.

My family where immigrants in Canada for a long time. But when I was born my parents decided it would be best for me and my brother to live by our grandparents back in Europe. And I agree. I'm grateful for the childhood I was able to have.
But now It's coming to a time where my future will be brighter if I move back to my Canadian roots, where I still have quite a bit of family.

I feel like that will be the real start of MY story when I move back.


Well-Known Member
Lights in place. I kinda feel bad for the girls getting blasted with so much light.

Cof, it is an amazing difference. I would agree with those percentages. It's a trip though because the food being more expensive has the quality be much better, and has one eat much less. One thing I noticed even more than the price difference upon coming home, I noticed how fat our country is. Fat kids even. There aren't fat adults much, much less fat kids.

So jad3, do you have 2 passports? I always thought that would be great. We were thinking of traveling to have our baby. Give birth to man anchor baby in England. :) really cool opportunity you have to go back. Any clue what you'll study at uni?

And hey, while you're in Europe you should visit the island. Easy jet flights are pretty cheap. We'll have a little extra room. I don't think I mentioned the farm house is 300sq.m (3,300 sq.ft)!!!!


Well-Known Member
now that is a good idea cof. I know there are already fruit trees. Something like 60 apple trees among others. I think the farm is something like 200' x 100' so there should be lots of room for everything. Any tips on where to get seeds and or what seeds to get.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I do have 2 passports. Dual-Nationality. Canadian-Portuguese. It is quite a wonderful thing to have these options. I'm very grateful that my parents decided it to be this way.

I am at University right now in Portugal. I'm taking Informatics and Multimedia Engineering. Don't know how easily I'll convert that into a Canadian diploma later, but I'm not too concerned. Tuition here is way cheap.


Well-Known Member
WTF is multimedia engineering? Sounds interesting. So many futuristic feilds to work in these days. I swear when I was in school the most 'out there' major was computer science.

And yeah SG. Went and visited dez and my old cat. :) was nice to see twilight happy, and nice to see my old buddy dezracer. He hooked me up, which is much appreciated. I got my lights back, and dropped off a square bucket. Haha... I always come bearing buckets. The lambs bread had me sleeping like a baby all night. Even want to bed after my normal wake up time around 430. Woke to wife looking at me.... that never happens. :) Nice herb.

haha... twilight was a bit scared of me... I think she thought I was going to take her away again. :(WP_20141207_012.jpgWP_20141208_002.jpg WP_20141208_004.jpg WP_20141208_007.jpg


Well-Known Member
I actually keep a list of everything we buy at the grocery store. So the list of veggies is already there. I'll double check them against our new climate.

hannahs taken to spinning in place till she falls over. Can't say its my favorite new development.


Well-Known Member
Get your seeds from a local farmer or seed collective.

hannahs taken to spinning in place till she falls over. Can't say its my favorite new development
She's a Skater!

Hey - I might be staying in town after all. When is a good time to meet up with you and Doc?
