Well hello all. Well I've been thinking about growing weed, and I've been doing alot of research on what my options are. Well at first I thought about growing with CFLs but now that I look at the time it would take to set up I figure it will be alot easier for me to grow with an LED system. The reason I chose them is because I want to have two (5x4x6) grow tents I plan on building out of pvc plastic and panda plastic. I have a pretty large basement and I figure those will fit in the area I have cleared. One will be for veg and for my mothers/clones and the other for floweing. I thought about using a hps/hid but my basements not easily temperature controlled plus its just not in my budget right now. I've decided to use soil as my growing medium and ill be using fox farms for my nutes. I cant decide what led system to go with, I've really been looking at the mars hydro systems, and I was thinking about buying the ufo and using it for flower and getting one of the less expensive models under 250$ for veg my budget as far as both lights go is about 300$ I'm not really looking for a huge yield, just something to get me a little experience. I hear that there are sometimes nutrient deficiencies when using led and I was wondering what can I do to correct that incase it happens. Also I'm confused about what people mean when they say start with 1/4 nutrients or 1/2 strength nutrients, are they talking about as far as the recommended dose. For example if the chart says use 12 tsp per gal should I only use 6? Another question I have is what are your thoughts on miracle grow? Its the only thing I can find around here for potting soil. I wasn't planning on using it I know people say not to use it because it adds too much nitrogen during the flowering stage. Another thing I'm curious about is the NPK ratios on the outside of soil bags. I know they are for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. But on many different products I see things like. 3-3-3, 24-15-10, 12-15-15. I'm just curios as to what numbers would be best for the plant as far as what are higher numbers compared to smaller numbers. I know when to have higer and lower npk levels but I have no idea what is high and low as far as growing medium goes. Any extra advice will be great but please try to explain things as best as you can, I'm really not the smartest person when it comes to growing plants. Thanks in advance.