The AltarNational Garden

I do the same as mo altar. Use a lil warmer water and a lil soap and then use a pump sprayer and do it every 3 days if I ever see an infestation and then every week in veg and every other in flower until the last 2 weeks.
I feel it is a mild infestation. I haven't seen any signs of any webs. I haven't even really seen signs of presence beyond maybe 4-5 plants and they only seem to be on the very lowest leaves. Temps have been cool, which (as I understand) is supposed to keep the multiplication down... which is good because it buys time for the neem oil, which is in the mail. :0]
Word... I got one I'll throw on in addition! Good call.

I've never had mites until I moved to the desert over a year ago. Its been a constant battle. it took me a year to realize my humidity was to low and that was the issue.. I thought with air exchange it was ok. Within a week of adding a humidifier they were gone.

I also had a gnarly ant infestation in my outdoor garden. My neighbor was evicted and moved out. Apparently he never once cleaned his place and it was like a 3rd world out house over there. They had to replace carpet, toilets, sinks and garbage disposal. All the pests made their way to my place. Anyway I bought these and placed them every where inside and outside. In a few days everything was gone.

best thing I have ever used.

its not organic. But I didn't put any near the plants. It was an uphill battle so had to break out the chem traps..
In this season I have a hell of a time keeping humidity up in the upstairs space... I might have to mod my humidifier to take an intake tube from a bigger bucket via gravity feed or something. I can't keep up with refilling it. (It's a consumer level deal, 1.5 gal tank maybe?)

luckily I am fed up with waiting to move so I am happy to say I'm working on the basement now. I found a dedicated outlet with a separate circuit down there... moved some ancient workbench things, swept out the corner (real gnarly), and made a nice 5.5x5.5 platform from scrap wood, just to keep the plants off the cold cement. Going to frame a DIY tent by attaching to the platform and the rafters in the ceiling, then wrap with pandafilm. Result is 5.5Wx5.5Lx6H. It doesn't suond that big on paper but it feels huge.
Sup y'all!

Got some real good news today, looks like we got the financial line up for a purchase and will be able to get out of here after all.

Don't know if you guys believe in the idea of "act as if", (also known as the power of intention, but I like the "act as if" version that Ben Affleck sells in Boiler Room... heh) but this is pretty weird because I got pretty hopeless about getting out of here, and for a while that sucked, but then I got optimistic about it and decided to make the best of it... at that point I started making purchases towards my new room anyway even though I am not set for it yet... then I said "screw it, I'll set up here" and invested in the tent.

The other thing I've been putting off because we haven't moved is setting up my home studio, because I don't have the space for it yet... but I finally said "screw it!" when our financing situation destabilized... at which point I decided I'll invest a little down payment cash in some studio gear I can start learning without the whole shabang set up... so I started shopping around for what to buy just last night, getting serious about it, talking to a friend who's in the business of selling this stuff.

I was juuuuust about to get the tent set up, and right after I finally accept my reality and just decide to make the best of it by investing in gear... that's when I found out we have cash financing after all and can get back to making a purchase.

That trips me out anyway, haha.

Now I want to watch Boiler Room...

How are y'all doing?

I think I'll set up for one run here and we'll make the move right after... because we still have to pick out the place and try to get moved despite winter... probably just get it all straight and ready as soon as we can get a truck up the drive again...
Hey mang... we are staying in the same state but buying first time so we get out from under the rent machine.

Good to see you too my friend, hope you are having a lovely holiday season with abundant buds!

I have been high as a kite since I bought the Sublimator... haha. I went through my shit a bit faster I think, lol.

I probably messed my schedule up a bit as I decided to get the tent and the 1000w a little late... I think it will all work out tho and yield good... I got a veg chamber full just waiting for me to get the tent up, then I'll probably go right into flower in the new tent. In the mean time I'm about halfway through the C99 stash, the CJxGM is down to the tips of the top colas of two of em, and the NLxNL is dwindling fast... (I actually cured the NLxNL a lot better this time, and the flavor shifted into a much more enjoyable range. Maybe because I sort of starved them at the end and reduced chlorophyll a bit)

but I got a lot of cococannaoil and cannabutter stored up as well as a lot of concentrate of various qualities to be attained from various avenues, lol.

Probably go full edibles for night time and the C99 will keep me productive during the days... ;)
Yea really sucks with my wife having MS and shit but I can't afford 400 a zip here so will just have to wait till first of January and that sucks.

Man, wish you were nearby... don't have anyone who can provide better price at least? that is a painful price... y'all gotta get into a legal state, surely she qualifies for a card in medicinal states yeah?
Man, wish you were nearby... don't have anyone who can provide better price at least? that is a painful price... y'all gotta get into a legal state, surely she qualifies for a card in medicinal states yeah?

Yea she does and I'm trying to get moved to a medical state but it's hard when we just bought a house a year ago. Her health took a turn for the worse in the last year. That is the best price unfortunately...
Ah, I see, so you bought before you knew she was in bad shape... that is a complication for sure. Got it on the market now? I wish you luck figuring that shit out man... there's gotta be a way to get where you wanna be, that's what I always say.

I got your message from MONTHS ago on StrainHuntersForum hahahahaha.
I'm still kicking too boss :joint:

In case you don't remember who I am, I helped you mix up some soil back in the day haha :)
Come A LONNNNNGGGGGG way since then lol. And I do A LOT LESS than I used to lol!

You alright?