CONTEST: Guess the weight :)


Well-Known Member
Are you in Canada? We split things to the penny ( well nickel now) I now 8 people who all split the winning ticket and it was to the penny!


Well-Known Member
I'ma approximate that you got roughly 0.6 grams per watt. 780 g's.
A lot of decent growers seem to hit close to 0.4 - 0.5 per watt (not that g/w is the best measurement), but you've always appeared to talk very condescendingly on here which makes me think you're fairly confident in your abilities I'll guess an extra 0.10 for the ego ;)

I've only harvested a handful of plants n they weren't monsters like that so I have absolutely no idea.


Well-Known Member
Hey Bro,

I'm sorry, but there will be no awarding of an ounce of pot for your contest. The site owner does not allow any talk of pot trades. I've removed the Win a zip from your sig, and the mention of it in your first post. Please don't talk about giving a prize of pot in the forums.

Awesome job RIU.

Now I get why everyone left for that other site.



Well-Known Member
I'm still in, bragging rights is good enough, no date thanks, I'm straight and he's too old for me anyhow ;)


Well-Known Member
Goodbye cruel RIU.

Off to the better forum I go, no need to be here with nazis and unclebutt.

I seriously tried to hang when everyone left but this is it for me.

It was nice knowing all the members here and I hope to see you all at stonerhaven


Well-Known Member
hes not...
So if you know you're not supposed to do something, how can you be surprised by the outcome? Kinda ironic. Seems intentional. And that other site looks like shit, half the sidebar is floating outside of the div n off the screen for me.