CONTEST: Guess the weight :)


Well-Known Member
So if you know you're not supposed to do something, how can you be surprised by the outcome? Kinda ironic. Seems intentional. And that other site looks like shit, half the sidebar is floating outside of the div n off the screen for me.
still dont see the problem with it, I understand selling stuff or "trading stuff" or taking "donations" but this is different it was for fun shits and giggles, but hey its not my site...


Well-Known Member
still dont see the problem with it, I understand selling stuff or "trading stuff" or taking "donations" but this is different, but hey its not my site...
Well I don't think the act of doing it is the problem, but publicly announcing it and putting liability on the forum seems shitty imo..IDK. All kinds of shit probably trades hands between members here..that's not what it's about. I'm too slow to figure out if he was actually planning on giving it out or not lol, but still dnt think that's the point.


Well-Known Member
Well I don't think the act of doing it is the problem, but publicly announcing it and putting liability on the forum seems shitty imo..IDK. All kinds of shit probably trades hands between members here..that's not what it's about. I'm too slow to figure out if he was actually planning on giving it out or not lol, but still dnt think that's the point.
I know snaps personally, the prize is real. actually I owe my grow to snaps... he helped me out a lot I would have half the plants I have if it wasn't for him


Well-Known Member
i guess a better way to go about it would be to just say the prize will be privately announced to the winner through pm or something. i can see why it'd be frustrating for both parties, but really don't understand discrediting the site for trying to protect itself n the members...

sucks 2 lose a member like snaps over something this petty

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
well that's a shame! the snapper really knew his way around a fuze box! i don't know him personally, but i get the feeling he won't be back. i've had a couple run-in's with management. although, they were correct when they had a problem with me. i feel that they could have handled it better. i think automatically getting snotty with members is not the way to go. it's very possible to innocently break a rule, and not realize it. instead of flexing mod superiority, maybe a pm or gentle reminder would be a better idea. i think snaps had an idea to get members involved in his latest grow, and invited them in. i really doubt he realized he was doing something the mods wouldn't approve of, and did it anyway.


Well-Known Member
well that's a shame! the snapper really knew his way around a fuze box! i don't know him personally, but i get the feeling he won't be back. i've had a couple run-in's with management. although, they were correct when they had a problem with me. i feel that they could have handled it better. i think automatically getting snotty with members is not the way to go. it's very possible to innocently break a rule, and not realize it. instead of flexing mod superiority, maybe a pm or gentle reminder would be a better idea. i think snaps had an idea to get members involved in his latest grow, and invited them in. i really doubt he realized he was doing something the mods wouldn't approve of, and did it anyway.
I should probably stop dick riding the mods before I get outed by the tribe, but "Hey Bro", "Please", "Sorry", and "Thanks" are not snotty remarks lol.


Well-Known Member
Sooooo, 5. Whatever lbs of material including lower buds for oil. Nice
Twitch have you confirmed this number?
Now that the contest is over..I wanted to ask in my first post what strain it was, no reason really just the structure made me wonder, they all have the same..hmm maybe twitch can answer that for me if he isn't coming back.