first time grow 2 weeks and 3 day old is this right need second opinion


first time grow 2 weeks and 3 day old is this right need second opinion1419214408679-892528021.jpg this is the biggest one the other 2 I just transplanted into better pots so they are droopy my main concern is the redness1419214450000-890054042.jpg
And this is the 3rd 2 weeks old next 1419214640871141613093.jpgthe first two are Afghanis the last one is a white widow fem and the last photo are my seedlings that I just sprouted
so how is it looking ok any advice about the redness or rustyness



Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU!

Your plants look healthy. Tell us more... what medium are you growing in exactly there? How many, and what type of lights? What nutrients will you be using?

Some of your electrical work there looks pretty sketchy, but I digress.



Well-Known Member
first time grow 2 weeks and 3 day old is this right need second opinionView attachment 3317374 this is the biggest one the other 2 I just transplanted into better pots so they are droopy my main concern is the rednessView attachment 3317375
And this is the 3rd 2 weeks old next View attachment 3317378the first two are Afghanis the last one is a white widow fem and the last photo are my seedlings that I just sprouted
View attachment 3317379
so how is it looking ok any advice about the redness or rustyness
u are gunna need alot more light


Welcome to RIU!

Your plants look healthy. Tell us more... what medium are you growing in exactly there? How many, and what type of lights? What nutrients will you be using?

Some of your electrical work there looks pretty sketchy, but I digress.

I am just using top soil with miracle grow moisture control just to keep the soil airyer. I have as for neuds I started with regular 5/5/5 plant food but that is seeming to burn it so I got to look more . Into that the electrical system looks sketchy yes but its safe i know that it's grounded well . As for how many I. Have 2 . Afghanis and 1 white widowfem at 2 weeks old and I have 1 Afghanis 1 blue fem and 1 Jack hatter auto fem now the other 2 is a dieing white widow sad i know and a nothing cup


Well-Known Member
Yeah That's what I hear I'm ganna pick up 4 more next week and prolly 4 more the week after and reset my whole system for lighting to a safer more compact system
i would go with a small hps or a 3w or 5 w diod led round a 90 or 180w


Well-Known Member
Yeah That's what I hear I'm ganna pick up 4 more next week and prolly 4 more the week after and reset my whole system for lighting to a safer more compact system
u are gunna be wasting time and money on cfl lights can be done but in the end with the amount u need be cheaper to run a small hps


u are gunna be wasting time and money on cfl lights can be done but in the end with the amount u need be cheaper to run a small hps
Oh an I also forgot to mention my end result in all of this is to have a cycle of 2 in veg 2 in flower and 2 drying I'm starting with so many to clone my favorite and the one with the best genes and the auto is just going to become a resident plant


Hence why I have the empty dresser in their with the tarp once I start cycling the tarp will come down and that will become the vegging room . And the open space my flowering room ventilation for the vegging room will be awkward but I'll figure that out


Well-Known Member
Oh an I also forgot to mention my end result in all of this is to have a cycle of 2 in veg 2 in flower and 2 drying I'm starting with so many to clone my favorite and the one with the best genes and the auto is just going to become a resident plant
That's pretty much what I do... grow my clones out, then take the best of the best, clone them again, then put them into flower. I toss the rest away.




Yeah it's my first go so I'm starting from seeds then I'm. Ganna have the clones on my next cycle. Maybe u can give me a straight answer if I need about an oz a week how many plants will I need in one stage at all times like how many in veg and I'll multiply by that. I was thinking 2 plants in each stage cuz each one will give around about 2 oz if they grow right is this correct or am I mistaken


Well-Known Member
If you want an oz a week youl need 4 plants in flower all at different equally spaced stages that's not including drying time of 1 week and you would need plants capable of producing 2oz so baring in mind your using regular soil and basic feed let's say 4weeks vedge? So 4 plants in vedge also, then as 2 plants are harvested 2 are taken from the vedge room to the flower room and 2 mores clones are added to the vedge room. Youl need to upgrade your equipment to a standard enabling you to produce this yeild which means youl need to pay good money "FFS" it's hard I know but it's a must, I would recommend a 600w high intensity discharge light (HID) there's 2 types, I would recommend both, metal halide (MH) for vedge they love it and high pressure sodium for flower (HPS) you'd also do great with HPS for vedge and flower.
But with these lights comes a problem, a temperature problem, so you need to increase ventilation this fan would do the job for 1 600w light but it loud and need replacing after 12 months of use they seem to lose power and get louder
Sorry for waffling I'm just realising im only at the beginning of wot I need to explain and it's taken a lot maybe you kno a lot of wot Iv just sed already and u asked for a straight answer but the best advice i could giv in this situation is do not bother with them lights u have for anything other than seedling/clones, don't try to harvest 2 plants every fortnight it's alotof head ache plants need different amounts of plant food in varying strengths and varying denominations of NPK depending on there stage of flowering, which means making 6 different reservoirs of fertilisers at different strengths and ratios, it means makin sure you've always got clones in your propergator, it mean an uneven canopy height in ur flowering room, it's do-able but much easier to have 1 area for your mum and clones and 1 or 2 flowering rooms split 4 weeks apart but you'd be best to get propper fertilisers and better soil and bigger lights, Iv only touched on few things you need to research if you want to get good bud as frequently as you do, seems you got a lot of reading to do bro


If you want an oz a week youl need 4 plants in flower all at different equally spaced stages that's not including drying time of 1 week and you would need plants capable of producing 2oz so baring in mind your using regular soil and basic feed let's say 4weeks vedge? So 4 plants in vedge also, then as 2 plants are harvested 2 are taken from the vedge room to the flower room and 2 mores clones are added to the vedge room. Youl need to upgrade your equipment to a standard enabling you to produce this yeild which means youl need to pay good money "FFS" it's hard I know but it's a must, I would recommend a 600w high intensity discharge light (HID) there's 2 types, I would recommend both, metal halide (MH) for vedge they love it and high pressure sodium for flower (HPS) you'd also do great with HPS for vedge and flower.
But with these lights comes a problem, a temperature problem, so you need to increase ventilation this fan would do the job for 1 600w light but it loud and need replacing after 12 months of use they seem to lose power and get louder
Sorry for waffling I'm just realising im only at the beginning of wot I need to explain and it's taken a lot maybe you kno a lot of wot Iv just sed already and u asked for a straight answer but the best advice i could giv in this situation is do not bother with them lights u have for anything other than seedling/clones, don't try to harvest 2 plants every fortnight it's alotof head ache plants need different amounts of plant food in varying strengths and varying denominations of NPK depending on there stage of flowering, which means making 6 different reservoirs of fertilisers at different strengths and ratios, it means makin sure you've always got clones in your propergator, it mean an uneven canopy height in ur flowering room, it's do-able but much easier to have 1 area for your mum and clones and 1 or 2 flowering rooms split 4 weeks apart but you'd be best to get propper fertilisers and better soil and bigger lights, Iv only touched on few things you need to research if you want to get good bud as frequently as you do, seems you got a lot of reading to do bro
Oh believe me I know I got a lot of reading and a ways To go but as I figure it all we got is times so I figure I got to use it for something. The lighting and ventilation is a must at the point I am now so that is my next step, then I'm going to start looking into proper. neuds as well because I know once I get the lighting right all they will do is eat and drink And I was on the fence about 2 or 4 plants and 4 makes much more sence and I figure as of right now I'm ganna half to deal with small yields and lower quality bud till I get into it into in and collect my supplys as I go and continue to buy it inbetween harvests but I figure after a year or so I should have something running some what smoothly I really appericate the help. But my main concern is vventilation. I was looking . Hsp lights and its just I'll need 2 one for veg and one for flower and that's ganna run super hot in a small area so I may have to run cooler and for my veg or flower not sure which one and I know my max space calls for 4 plants and 5 ft - 6 ft tall at final. Stage. Thank u again