Need Advice!


Active Member
hello as you can see by the title i need some advice. I am going out of town for a week and i am having my friend watch over the kids. Unfortunately he cant pick them up till tomorrow so i had to set them outside my house for the night (meaning theyre going to sleep for 12hrs tonight). I have been running a 18/6 light cycle and pretty much i wondering if the switch in light cycles will be to much stress on them if i have my buddy start them on back on the 18-6 cycyle tomorrow.

The both of em are about 8" tall and i would hate them to go hermie (guessing theyre females). would the yield even be worth it if i have him start to flower to avoid the stress.

Has anyone been in this situation?

Also i was going to attempt to take clones for the first time and iwas wondering if you can take the cuttings from a plant thats flowering as lon as theres no buds on the branch?



Well-Known Member
Hey boulderbuds!
As for changing the ligh schedule like that it may cause some stress to cause a hermie but i highly doubt it..just make sure it gets put back in the normal light cycle ASAP!

But i would let them grow a lot more before changing to the flower cycle as the amount of production at 8in now would be reduced greatly..let them get to about 60cm before going 12/12..also i'd wait until you get some nice and decent branching on your baby before you start to take any clones and if it is in flowering i would leave them alone for sure..but if theres no buds or preflowers then its still in VEG and okay o take some cuttings..

Hope this helped and post up if you have any more questions! GOOD LUCK!

Lil Tyke

Active Member
Hey boulderbuds!
As for changing the ligh schedule like that it may cause some stress to cause a hermie but i highly doubt it..just make sure it gets put back in the normal light cycle ASAP!

But i would let them grow a lot more before changing to the flower cycle as the amount of production at 8in now would be reduced greatly..let them get to about 60cm before going 12/12..also i'd wait until you get some nice and decent branching on your baby before you start to take any clones and if it is in flowering i would leave them alone for sure..but if theres no buds or preflowers then its still in VEG and okay o take some cuttings..

Hope this helped and post up if you have any more questions! GOOD LUCK!
I agree with smokeablunt16 on this i had the same problem when i went to Amsterdam in march if anything the change in lighting only put my plants back by a couple of days maximum with no lasting damage so hopefully upon your return your friend will have taken very special care of your kids. HAPPY TRAVELS. P.S. like yourself my babies were only out of light over night. :bigjoint:


Active Member
thanks for the help everyone! my keyboard has been broken till today but i got the info and so far the larger one of the two has only gotten bigger with time and seems healthy.

Unfourtanetly her sister has been very sick lately after an accidental overwatering and its only getting worse as the days go by. i have stopped giving water for about two days now but the soil remains damp.
ANy thing else i could do?
Thanks again for the support and i'll try to get pics up!