Need advice on my first grow.


Well-Known Member
I have 1 hood, with 20 CFLs, and my grow is growing super strong, I am gaining 2"-3" + every day, and they are only being used with a Hood up top, and reflection on the sides, I have no cfls dangling around it, just the hood with 20 cfls :) ======TIP I HAVE LEARNED: Don't just use 1 spectrum of CFLs during any part of the grow, For Veg, use like 7 to 1 6500k to 2700k, For flower, I am using 10x 2700k, 5x 3500k, and 5x 6500k, Don't just flower with 2700k, although the majority should be 2700k. This is the problem most CFL growers have, they think just use 2700k because people say they are the best spectrum, but you still need the other spectrums to grow properly.
I would go with different ratios than you, but at least we are on the same concept. Each phase benefits from all the different spectrums in different ways, you really want all the spectrums in all phases, just in different quantities/ratios at different phases.

Swap some (not all) of the cools out for warms as you go to flower and you are doing the right thing. (This applies to all bulbs and LEDs.)


Apollo Horticulture has a really good Plant Light CFL 125W and 250W Bulbs Temps in, 2100k, 2700K and 6400K. There's also better CFL with 2100K mix with 6400K 125w. only bad thing is it don't fit in regular light sockets. But its still low price to buy.
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I have 1 hood, with 20 CFLs, and my grow is growing super strong, I am gaining 2"-3" + every day, and they are only being used with a Hood up top, and reflection on the sides, I have no cfls dangling around it, just the hood with 20 cfls :) ======TIP I HAVE LEARNED: Don't just use 1 spectrum of CFLs during any part of the grow, For Veg, use like 7 to 1 6500k to 2700k, For flower, I am using 10x 2700k, 5x 3500k, and 5x 6500k, Don't just flower with 2700k, although the majority should be 2700k. This is the problem most CFL growers have, they think just use 2700k because people say they are the best spectrum, but you still need the other spectrums to grow properly.
Do you have a pic of that setup I'd like to see it. Thanks for the spectrum tip. I will use it.:weed:
Apollo Horticulture has a really good Plant Light CFL 125W and 250W Bulbs Temps in, 2100k, 2700K and 6400K. There's also better CFL with 2100K mix with 6400K 125w. only bad thing is it don't fit in regular light sockets. But its still low price to buy.
I'll check that light out. Got a few weeks so the more options the better. Thanks for your suggestion.


Also Keep in mind they only emmit 6,300 Lumens per bulb for the 6400K. When I grow CFL in the past it was for Veg (Two 6400K) and (One 2100K) and for Flowering (Two 2100K) and (One 6400K),
Veg Two Blues to one Red
Flowering Two Reds to one Blue


Active Member
Also Keep in mind they only emmit 6,300 Lumens per bulb for the 6400K. When I grow CFL in the past it was for Veg (Two 6400K) and (One 2100K) and for Flowering (Two 2100K) and (One 6400K),
Veg Two Blues to one Red
Flowering Two Reds to one Blue
Each grower will need different amounts based on grow room size

OP, if you want to figure out how many bulbs you need, do this:

Firs figure out the area of your grow room, My room is 2' Deep, by 4' Wide, that is 8 Square Feet

You want:
2000 Lumens Min --Low Yield, 14+ Grams Per Plant-- <-- Risk of No Flowering -->
5000 Lumens is Average --Average Yield, Ounce + Per Plant--
7500+ Lumens is Great / Awesome --Awesome Indoor Yield, Ounce or 2 At least, If not more--
"Per Sq. Ft"

Now of course, that is estimated Yield, nothing is set in stone in Stonerland :D

So, I have 8 Square F.t, I have 20 Bulbs, at 1600 Lumens, so 32,000 Lumens Total
Take 32,000 / 8 = 4000 Lumens per square foot... This means, I will probably get about an ounce per plant, with two plants, that is two ounces maybe more, if you are training properly, nuting properly etc, you can increase your grow a lot, but always make sure you give them adequate lighting, NO SHADE! lol
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20141230_182330.jpg 20141229_210849.jpg Update. Mild changes/growth. Added soil yesterday (29th) and put about 8 oz. of bottled water to each plant. Last water Dec24th. Patience...patience...
today they look ok. No drastic changes but growth none the less. Waiting for them to take off...........still on 18/6 6500k, Foxfarms soil. (No nutes yet)

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Good post and you are not paying the electrical company a lot of $'s - One CAN get goes results with CFL's - what about 500 watters CFL's that use 105 watts of electrical cost. can give address if you want it (has many more light products) Glad you posted this because many feel that cfl's don't work at all. In relation to your grow consider cutting down all the electrical equipment use higher watt CFL's (500 - 300, watters) then use smaller cfl's for "side-lighting>can get both veg and flower bulb's
I'll take that adress info. Thanks. I am definitely gonna be consolidating equipment that 500/105 watt sounds like a good investment. Does it hook up to regular sockets?


Well-Known Member

5 Sockets, Each have 3 extenders "Except the middle one, the I ran out of them :D so it only has 2 extenders / 3 bulbs"
Doesn't this produce alot of heat??? I created a similar animal (ghetto blaster/vanity light with socket splitters) and I had a hard time with temps in my 20"x4'x5' cabinet. I swtched to just using 2 T5s.
*mine is only used to clone and the first few weeks of veg.
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Active Member
Doesn't this produce alot of heat??? I created a similar animal (ghetto blaster/vanity light with socket splitters) and I had a hard time with temps in my 20"x4'x5' cabinet. I swtched to just using 2 T5s.
*mine is only used to clone and the first few weeks of veg.
You can't see it, but there is 4 fans on the left there going down, Stacked from the light core down, I have never went over 75, I put the thermostat in-line with the tops of my plants 2... Well I will say I did read at 80-85 BEFORE I added the extra ventilation.... But that is also because I only had 10 CFLs for Veg, before adding the extra lights, and so I didn't need ventilation


Well-Known Member
You can't see it, but there is 4 fans on the left there going down, Stacked from the light core down, I have never went over 75, I put the thermostat in-line with the tops of my plants 2... Well I will say I did read at 80-85 BEFORE I added the extra ventilation.... But that is also because I only had 10 CFLs for Veg, before adding the extra lights, and so I didn't need ventilation
Ahhh..ok. My cabinet is enclosed within my main room and thus every ventilation becomes a light leak issue to be resolved.
Update on my grow. Topped the both of them and trained the boy out the make more tops. Work good. Showing good growth. Using 2 65 watt cfls rated at 4700 lumens each. And 4 23 watt at 1600 lumen each. Installed an intake due to high temps low 90's. Gonna flower pretty soon. Here are some pics...20150128_232013.jpg20150128_232046.jpg 20150128_232038.jpg


Well-Known Member
Update on my grow. Topped the both of them and trained the boy out the make more tops. Work good. Showing good growth. Using 2 65 watt cfls rated at 4700 lumens each. And 4 23 watt at 1600 lumen each. Installed an intake due to high temps low 90's. Gonna flower pretty soon. Here are some pics...View attachment 3341216View attachment 3341217 View attachment 3341218
Great job just read through the thread, they look amazing compared to when you first got them! Patience is definitely the key! Good luck growing:bigjoint::peace: