Do you piss on it like a real goat would?
The stinkier the goatee, the more goat pussy you get.

Nope, I can't say that I ever pissed on My goatee... sorry.

I am not interested in goat pussy, nor any animal besides women.

But, to be honest, I haven't had a girlfriend for about a year, and that was the last time I had sex.

I pleasure Myself, and I don't need to spend money on women, because I am single right now.

Its all good, I am content with My life right now.

Prostitution is one of the oldest professions, and you're judging them.

Not very Christ like

No, I am not judging prostitutes...

I said that paying for sex is for other people.

I could care less what people do with their genitals, as long as people have consensual sex. I am very opposed to rape, and I believe rapists should be sent to prison for their crime.

If a woman (or man) wants to sell their body, that is none of My business. Also, I believe child molesters should be sent to prison also, but I am not a cop or a judge, so I don't get involved.

I don't believe prostitutes have a good job, and I believe they should get a new career, but to each their own.

But, if I am not mistaken, prostitution is legal in some countries?

Some men are pigs.
