LOL At least he'll be dressed for them! How do you motox in snow? I mean out here it's just f'n cold.
Its fuckin cold here as well, 31F at the moment, was 21 at 6 amLOL At least he'll be dressed for them! How do you motox in snow? I mean out here it's just f'n cold.
Yeah I don't like this! 21 OMG!! we only got down to 27. Do you lose any of your grapevines? (I don't know why I assume you have vines but I do), are you smudging LOL remember that?Its fuckin cold here as well, 31F at the moment, was 21 at 6 am
Only the really hot and smart ones you know, the ones that emigrated here a few agowow i didnt know brits were into monster trucks and motox
Ahhh shit dormant! Thanks for the reminder... I gotta prune my rosebushes and Mulberry trees.Smudge pots! Yep, I remember, all that greasy smelly black smoke. Grapes are quite resilient, they'll be okay as they've gone dormant
God I love youRose u prune back just as the new growth emerges
I used to prune a vineyard early spring. Like 3-400 vines. Me and my golden Retriever. Great early spring work.I used to prune an apple orchard in jan and feb. Like 50 trees. Me and my golden Retreiver. Greay winter work.
Ty ak for settling my stomach
Ty do yourself a favor and google Manchester i didnt know brits were into monster trucks and motox
Dude you have seen my golden. I think?^^^lol prob same pruning method also. U have a golden? Dude ur stock just went up big time.
Yeah you know it! How was yours in water? ( like I need to ask)@The Outdoorsman he's a handsome dog. A fish out of water.