The Theory of Relative Motion and Natural Purpose

enough of that let's get back to metaphysical shit. what purpose would sentient forms of energy have in the physical universe?
OK, you like metaphysics, I am open to discussing it. Why is nature so beautiful, did it not know that a Witness (sentient being) would come to behold it's beauty?
Reason? That's part of the "hard question".
It also implies a conscious intent is behind our existence. As such, it means an assumption must be made of there being a creator. The question which falls out of that idea, for me, becomes "is there a hierarchy of sentience"? Are we to assume our forms are the pinnacle? Or are their gardeners (for lack of a better term) who oversee our development, or may have initiated it, at least?
A skim of esoterica suggests a hierarchy. But again, to what end? For example, if "the greys" were our gardeners, then who is above them?
What is the reason for watching 'reality TV' ? Perhaps we are just amusement...maybe we are a future labour pool for higher dimension infrastructure development? :lol:
Reason...that is far harder to answer than the question of 'relative motion'.
enough of that let's get back to metaphysical shit. what purpose would sentient forms of energy have in the physical universe?
To answer your question, we must revert to hypothetical and intuitive expression, logic and reasoning are for explaining the physical. The reason for sentient beings to exist in the physical universe may very well be the reason that the physical universe exists. The Earth is paradise and the reason for sentient beings to exist is to experience this paradise. I
The metaphysical can not be explained by logic, you have to express the metaphysical.
enough of that let's get back to metaphysical shit. what purpose would sentient forms of energy have in the physical universe?

I wanted to reply but was genuinely struggling with the question. Sentient forms of energy had me scratching my head. ... Sounds a bit like GOD
OK, you like metaphysics, I am open to discussing it. Why is nature so beautiful, did it not know that a Witness (sentient being) would come to behold it's beauty?

Is it beautiful? I guess it's all perspective. Nature seems to be driven by death, it's a horror show out there folks. .. We may go out for a walk and admire the colourful moss clinging to a tree. How pretty. no, the moss is actually a parasite devouring the tree from the inside out.

Maybe an extra-terrestial species would admire the aesthetics of our conflicts and pollution whilst out for an interstellar joy-ride.

OK ..thats gibberish.
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Is it beautiful? I guess it's all perspective. Nature seems to be driven by death, it's a horror show out there folks. .. We may go out for a walk and admire the colourful moss clinging to a tree. How pretty. no, the moss is actually a parasite devouring the tree from the inside out.

Maybe an extra-terrestial species would admire the aesthetics of our conflicts and pollution whilst out for an interstellar joy-ride.

OK ..thats gibberish.
Yes the metaphysical is completely subjective, and even the decay of matter has its natural purpose, it is a balance. Still cannot find a purpose for conflict and pollution, although with a little psychology we could determine the reason, the cause. Just because it is subjective doesn't mean it can not hold meaning and truth, but you do make a good point, what is true to me is not necessarily true to you.
Psychology is a mash of physics and metaphysics, yes the mind is energy and is a physical object, but the perspectives, the causes and effects that take place within the mind are metaphysical. The process of the computer is physical but the data is metaphysical and can only be perceived by a subject and can only be interpreted and understood by a human conscious.

Btw if you guys were referring to me as a sensitive soul, believe me, as all children it was once very sensitive, but I think you can relate, my soul has been through more he'll than a public forum could ever present to me, and thus it has been made strong (intuitive expression).
Psychology is a mash of physics and metaphysics, yes the mind is energy and is a physical object, but the perspectives, the causes and effects that take place within the mind are metaphysical. The process of the computer is physical but the data is metaphysical and can only be perceived by a subject and can only be interpreted and understood by a human conscious.

Btw if you guys were referring to me as a sensitive soul, believe me, as all children it was once very sensitive, but I think you can relate, my soul has been through more he'll than a public forum could ever present to me, and thus it has been made strong (intuitive expression).

And psychology aims to center the being in the being, assimilating all aspects of self. Cooperation, I think that is the sum.
Psychology deals more with the metaphysical, understanding cause and effect within the mind. Psychiatry deals more with science of the mind and how different medicines effect the mind.
Can't wait for Mr Durden to come back and continue that discussion. If it happens on another thread can someone please message me and let me know.

I'd like to know his thoughts about the recent research into the effects of quantum processes on biology. Many of the criticisms of people like Chopra's use of QM in explaining consciousness and nature have stated that these effects have no relevancy on the macro scale.

IMO. Many of these so called men of science attempt to build a career on shooting down free-thinkers. They write books, travel the world and present lectures in the vain, self-serving attempt to shoot down people who break from the conventional paradigm, all while criticizing Chopra for making money. Only time will tell but I suspect many of these physicist's will end up with egg on their face as has happened countless times before.

However many scientists don't engage in this battle of personalities and quietly do their research. The more they look, the more they find that QM processes may be very much a part of our daily lives as organisms on this planet.


Within the last year or two cutting edge research suggests QM may be responsible for the efficiency in photosynthesis.

Avian navigation

Human sense of smell

In conclusion, earlier I stated I am not a fan of Chopra or even New-Age thinking, I remain a sceptic. I just don't discredit them easily because I realize our understanding of science, consciousness and existence is on a continuum that as a species we have barely started.
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So when we enter our grow-rooms and appreciate the dank smell of bud, it's quite possible many Quantum mechanical processes are being employed. In the ability of Cannabis to convert the light into energy and our ability to appreciate the sweet smelling bouquet. :)
[...] IMO. Many of these so called men of science attempt to build a career on shooting down free-thinkers. They write books, travel the world and present lectures in the vain, self-serving attempt to shoot down people who break from the conventional paradigm, all while criticizing Chopra for making money. Only time will tell but I suspect many of these physicist's will end up with egg on their face as has happened countless times before.

Or maybe it'll be chicken that used to be an egg which was laid by a bird that was not a chicken :P