Diagnosis please

Just wanted to ask about this Bomb THC strain, she's in her 5th week of flowering, pretty tiny, but was wondering about the dark colored stems, is this a sign of something going wrong? btw, first time grower, total noob, and never planted a thing since the 3rd grade.
Another Q, how often do you all water in a 5 gallon bucket?
2015-01-06 17.02.21.jpg 2015-01-06 17.02.27.jpg 2015-01-06 17.02.33.jpg 2015-01-06 17.02.39.jpg

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
How often you water is dependent on how fast the plant use's it.

For you, at the size of the plant, I would water/feed with 1000ml per watering. Pour it about at the edge of the pot as even as you can......Stick your finger in the soil/media to just past your first knuckle each day at lights on after that.....Feel damp? = don't water,,,,,,Feel dry? = water or feed...


Well-Known Member
oh most definitely sir, quick Q, how much water should I fill for a 5 gallon pot such as this one? a Liter?
I would water till you get some run off everytime, or minimum every other time. It will prevent salt build up in your soil which will lead to issues down the road. But as was said above, water depending on how much your girl drinks. In soil I let the bottom leaves get just to the point where they are starting to get droopy from lack of water then hit them with the h20 again.


Well-Known Member
There are wilted leaves at the bottom. My guess is u have a dry spot in that 5g bucket that sheds water rather than absorb it. Because the root system is holdi g the root ball together if it were mine I'd pull it, soak it well and put it back. U will disturb almost nothing.