Attn ALL Female Members of RIU

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New Member
I never asked to see anything that belongs to either one you....I am pretty sure it looks like most of the others I have seen.............................;)


Well-Known Member
Whenever a dick is refered to as meat, I think teeth....and pain :sad:

lmao, that reminds me of a friend of mine! His was traumatized by his first blow job, cuz the girl bit down...

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member terrible....But I just like the word meat, kinda like the guy on porky's..."Why do they call you meat?"But I'm crude like that.
Whenever a dick is refered to as meat, I think teeth....and pain :sad:

lmao, that reminds me of a friend of mine! His was traumatized by his first blow job, cuz the girl bit down...
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