The religion of peace


Well-Known Member
At Least 10 Killed in Attack on Office of French Magazine
Armed men stormed the Paris offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, killing "at least 10 people" and injuring more, said a police officer.

In November 2011, Charlie Hebdo's headquarters were gutted by fire, hours before a special issue of the weekly featuring the Prophet Muhammad appeared on newsstands. Since then, the weekly moved to a new location, which was guarded by police, who were also shot at Wednesday morning.

Well, unless you dare draw a picture of our god...


Well-Known Member
At Least 10 Killed in Attack on Office of French Magazine
Armed men stormed the Paris offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, killing "at least 10 people" and injuring more, said a police officer.

In November 2011, Charlie Hebdo's headquarters were gutted by fire, hours before a special issue of the weekly featuring the Prophet Muhammad appeared on newsstands. Since then, the weekly moved to a new location, which was guarded by police, who were also shot at Wednesday morning.

Well, unless you dare draw a picture of our god...

And so it begins...

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Well-Known Member
...... Still waiting for the retort. I would 'like' for your posts and direction but cant as it might be misinterpreted as a like for the events.


Well-Known Member
There's nothing to like. This event is only going to foment the problems for the Euro-Muslim, and will probably ripple out, as far as public opinion goes.
I won't be surprised to start seeing stepped-up acts of aggression against Euro-Muslim enclaves along with increased output of ridicule in general.

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Well-Known Member
There's nothing to like. This event is only going to foment the problems for the Euro-Muslim, and will probably ripple out, as far as public opinion goes.
I won't be surprised to start seeing stepped-up acts of aggression against Euro-Muslim enclaves along with increased output of ridicule in general.

I am not sure how it is in your country but they said the same thing about muslims in America after 9/11. It turned out to be mostly untrue.

Those 2 comics are dead now because they dared draw a picture and make a joke. Until muslims police each other I cannot really draw the distinction between radical and moderate.


Well-Known Member
I am not sure how it is in your country but they said the same thing about muslims in America after 9/11. It turned out to be mostly untrue.
I seem to recall most Americans didn't know the difference between Sikhs and Muslims back then, too. I wonder if anything has changed since?

Those 2 comics are dead now because they dared draw a picture and make a joke. Until muslims police each other I cannot really draw the distinction between radical and moderate.

Radicals 'act', moderates 'talk'...that's about the only distinction. The fundamentals of the "theocratic ideology" are still rotten and perverted in multiple ways, regardless. As for policing themselves? :lol: They do that already; it's called Sharia.
We've seen how well that works out...Even their most noble secularists, like Maajid Nawaz, can't truly rationalize Islam's value in developed societies anymore. This event (and the ones which will undoubtedly follow) only make his attempts more futile.
Oh well...they had their chance. Now Allah is turning his ass in their direction and blasting them with pork farts.



Well-Known Member
I think it's just awful. I think this and the garbage that was pulled at Sony is how it's going to go. New phase of terrorism.


Well-Known Member
If you want to put caricatures of Mohammed in your magazine in a disparaging manner, knowing it is designed to inflame Muslim passions in 2015, you are a fucking idiot, asking to be killed.


Well-Known Member
If you want to put caricatures of Mohammed in your magazine in a disparaging manner, knowing it is designed to inflame Muslim passions in 2015, you are a fucking idiot, asking to be killed.
But the primary objective was to exercise free speech more than to piss off a specific group.

This kind of shit is where the rubber meets the road with arguments for rights like free speech. There will always be fallout. Folks get just as inflamed over censorship.


Well-Known Member
But the primary objective was to exercise free speech more than to piss off a specific group.

This kind of shit is where the rubber meets the road with arguments for rights like free speech. There will always be fallout. Folks get just as inflamed over censorship.
They, the tabloid, had been firebombed before, had police protection (didn't work out that well), and have had numerous threats against them, for what? Showing cartoons about Mohammed continuously in a derogatory way. They wore it as a badge of honor to fuck with Muslims. You want to play with those crazy motherfuckers, you are taking your life, and any employees life, in your hands I am really pissed off right now, because I would love to figure out a way so those murderers never get to their afterlife. What can you do against someone that believes to die for Mohammed guarantees heaven? I would torture the shit out of them for as long as they could breath. That would make me feel good. Like do a serious Cheney on them, and post it on YouTube. See if that works. (just a thought).