Best Places to Grow in Oregon


Active Member
Hey Everyone,
This will be my first post here but I have been a member for a while now. I know that there are a lot of great growers here and I am hoping to leverage some of that knowledge. I am looking to buy some property this year and would like to know what you think the best places to grow outdoors are in Oregon?


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone,
This will be my first post here but I have been a member for a while now. I know that there are a lot of great growers here and I am hoping to leverage some of that knowledge. I am looking to buy some property this year and would like to know what you think the best places to grow outdoors are in Oregon?
i would try oregon.


Well-Known Member
I won't argue that southern Oregon.... From Roseburg down to Ashland is the best area in Oregon to grow. The eastern Columbia River Gorge from Hood River east is hard to beat!!


Active Member
Thanks for the answers. I have heard really good things about southern Oregon but was hoping to stay farther north. Petert, I like the eastern columbia gorge area.


Well-Known Member
I won't argue that southern Oregon.... From Roseburg down to Ashland is the best area in Oregon to grow. The eastern Columbia River Gorge from Hood River east is hard to beat!!
williams oregon is the weed growing capital of the state.

you can spot the grows on google maps, just about every single resident has a grow going on.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply Uncle Buck. Im gonna have to check that out on google maps.
the reason why southern oregon is better is because it is at higher elevation, so less moisture.

you really can't finish an outdoor plant north of eugene, too much weather and wetness come harvest time.

and eastern oregon might as well be alabama. and the coast is way too windy and cold for outdoor. it'll knock your greenhouse over.


Well-Known Member
the reason why southern oregon is better is because it is at higher elevation, so less moisture.

you really can't finish an outdoor plant north of eugene, too much weather and wetness come harvest time.

and eastern oregon might as well be alabama. and the coast is way too windy and cold for outdoor. it'll knock your greenhouse over.

Come on Buck…I live in Hood River county and get 26 inches of rain a year ( Williams gets 26 inches per year too) Go 5 miles east to Moser and you are under 20" per year and over 220 sun days a year…Williams averages 190.Our elevation in the county goes from 300 feet at the Columbia River to over 11,000 feet on Mt. Hood.
I'll give you Jefferson County has the highest concentraion of growers and medical card holders in the state…But as a two decade grower here..I don't view that as a positive.
I'm a small grower..but my 8 plants produced 12+ pounds and 3 of my 4 strains tested at 20+ % THC content. the only detectable molds or mildews on any strain was 3,467 cfu/g… Under 10,000 cfu/g is considered acceptable.
Like I said..Jefferson County by far produces the most weed and it's a great climate to grow in…But there are a tremendous amount of micro-climates in the eastern gorge (Between Hood River and The Dalles) which is why the wine industry has boomed here…and Hood River is FAR from being Alabama!


Well-Known Member
williams oregon is the weed growing capital of the state.

you can spot the grows on google maps, just about every single resident has a grow going on.
That's fucking sick! Everybody has a plot. I'm obviously in the wrong state


Well-Known Member
Come on Buck…I live in Hood River county and get 26 inches of rain a year ( Williams gets 26 inches per year too) Go 5 miles east to Moser and you are under 20" per year and over 220 sun days a year…Williams averages 190.Our elevation in the county goes from 300 feet at the Columbia River to over 11,000 feet on Mt. Hood.
I'll give you Jefferson County has the highest concentraion of growers and medical card holders in the state…But as a two decade grower here..I don't view that as a positive.
I'm a small grower..but my 8 plants produced 12+ pounds and 3 of my 4 strains tested at 20+ % THC content. the only detectable molds or mildews on any strain was 3,467 cfu/g… Under 10,000 cfu/g is considered acceptable.
Like I said..Jefferson County by far produces the most weed and it's a great climate to grow in…But there are a tremendous amount of micro-climates in the eastern gorge (Between Hood River and The Dalles) which is why the wine industry has boomed here…and Hood River is FAR from being Alabama!
the alabama part starts east of the dalles!


Well-Known Member
Does the Alabama part refer to the Kinfolk or the climate ? And does that mean Washington state is not favorable ?


Well-Known Member
It's (so oregon) gotta be some of the best farming land in the west. There is over 10,000 different types of soil in oregon if i recall correctly. Who knew. Lol. I was watching soptv and saw a badass thing on growing pinot noir's at just the right elevation... It got technical. But sick as hell. Motivated me to wanna do it. I found 40-80 acres for under 125k. There is plenty of affordable real estate out and about. It can get expensive quick too. Gotta find what fits you. Problem is jobs for some fields. Oh well, maybe thats just me and my job problem.

Hey, speaking of.. anyone know of any jobs out here? A vineyard would be suuhweet. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Does the Alabama part refer to the Kinfolk or the climate ? And does that mean Washington state is not favorable ?
East of the Cascades in general is very right wing pub land.. With a few exceptions like Hood River and Bend. Colder in the winter hotter in the summer and in general arid unless you get above 3,000 feet elevation. It's farmland timber land vast wheat, the worlds largest wind farm. People think of Oregon as a rainy state.. But over half the state is high desert. I actually love eastern Oregon geographically.. But couldn't live out there.. Hood River is on the eastern slopes of the cascades 60 miles east of Portland.
WA state isn't as desire able climate as much of Oregon for outdoor.


Well-Known Member
cool. Thank you. wouldn't the east side be less prone to mold ? I prefer my arid climate over a humid one.


Well-Known Member
July 1 anyone can grow 4 plants legally on their property for personal use.

East side of the state there are a few places you can grow..But in general you're looking are a really late last freeze date and very early first freeze…many parts are into June for last freeze and early Sept for first freeze.
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Well-Known Member
July 1 anyone can grow 4 plants legally on their property for personal use.

East side of the state there are a few places you can grow..But in general you're looking are a really late last freeze date and very early first freeze…many parts are into June for last freeze and early Sept for first freeze.
I don't get it? 4 plants legally? So are all those houses Williams Oregon, not legal? Or are they "medical"? Lol... I really don't understand how everybody grows only a selected few get busted.