Make sure you make your own decisions though. Decisions are little experiments.....every one. So, the key is to realize that basically everything you do for the first year or so will be a series of 'experiments'. This is why all the best growers/breeders tell you to KEEP GOOD NOTES. It's like poker, or life in general..........if you know what you did before, you can change variables to alter your strategy/outcome in the future. Keep pumping LOVE into that grow room.
If you're just starting off, you should only worry about giving the plant what you're able to give it (spacewise, lightwise & moneywise)........and just watch it! You'll only be able to learn if you pay attention to what the plant is telling you. And right now you speak different languages. You'll have to learn the plant's language by researching what you see happening to the plant. Keep the temperature between 55-75, the humidity between 50-80 in veg and 30-60 in flower, and keep the air moving. Spraying your plants will be very important, at least one good one before you put them in flower (any organic pesticide, natural oils and citrus acids.......or just mix a little soap into your water and spray the shit out of it.)
OUTDOOR is more fun. like........waaaayyyy more fun. good luck!