my style of an undercurrent system


Active Member
put the airstones in tonight and put ducting up, as well as hooked up the controllers. Now just waiting on my clones to get loaded with roots!


Active Member
using advanced nutes and I'm not using my chiller until summer time, I have it half way paid off lol, water temps are 70 degrees. Which is ok for me.


Well-Known Member
Nice looking system Tokie, now I see what you were saying about the removal of the tee.
I'm interested in your advanced line of nutes. I use advanced connie veg (new) for my soil veg tent, and it's working great so far. I'm using GH right now as you know for my rdwc sys, but am greatly interested in how advanced would work in a system like this. I did make a single bucket awhile back with advanced and got a lot of residue, but I don't know if that was due to advanced nutes, or if I cultured a bacteria of sorts. Can't wait for the next run.


Active Member
I had a small pythium problem my last grow when using a.n. But I think it was my lack of oxygen in the water. I fixed it after I added more airstones and got my ac. In