looking for advice

He didn't come across very helpful. I guess I wont worry about him then. You on the other hand are great. In your expert opinion would fim be better than mainlining? Also I checked out your water only link Im very impressed. Ive been thinking about making a batch of super soil for down the road. Is it worth the time?
You got that right don't worry about him
Im also having trouble with determine water amounts. I think I'm ovetwatering by some small to medium margin But can't seem too dial it in. Ever time I water the plants get a little droopy and the perk back up after 1/2 day or so. My assumption is that I'm putting too much water in even though I have the overflow tray. This issue is also preventin me from getting a set watering and nite schedule figured out.
"""Ever time I water the plants get a little droopy and the perk back up after 1/2 day or so.""

i had a strain that did this every water , i never figured out why and it did fine . :)

so long as your not over watering..... Once a week in soil should be fine :)
Good job on accidentally discovering the proper way to water, when done correctly plants should go sleep and wake up later with a growth spurt. Now how long it takes em to wake up is based on that which you are not monitoring, being able to control the temp & humidity and dialing in the proper ranges is important as there is a place where they will rage (nickname for growth spurt) continuously. You can get a decent meter at wally world for $8
"""Ever time I water the plants get a little droopy and the perk back up after 1/2 day or so.""

i had a strain that did this every water , i never figured out why and it did fine . :)

so long as your not over watering..... Once a week in soil should be fine :)

That's exactly what's happening hear. Its almost like after a 1/2 day the seem to be looking over my shoulder at all the bud porn if have plastered on the wall and perk right up. I do water about every other day. My thought pattern is to water with less amount but every other day to increase available 02 for the roots. I guess I'm either flat wrong on frequency over quanity or I'm not limiting the amount of water properly. My other concern is that I'm giving them to much nutrients.
Good job on accidentally discovering the proper way to water, when done correctly plants should go sleep and wake up later with a growth spurt. Now how long it takes em to wake up is based on that which you are not monitoring, being able to control the temp & humidity and dialing in the proper ranges is important as there is a place where they will rage (nickname for growth spurt) continuously. You can get a decent meter at wally world for $8

I did go get a cheap indoor temp and humidity monitor. It was showing I have about 20 percent humidity last night. I placed a one of those light steam based vaporizer near the plants and the meter did not change at all. The temp is 80 at the top of the canopy and 70 at the bottom of the space. Thanks for jumping over RM3. I have another question concerning light. Someone suggested that I use a 60/40 mix of 6500k and 2900k light. So I added a vitalume 125w cfl (7300 lumens) to my setup last night. I placed this light with lightwave reflector on the side of my space. The intention of the suggestion was to increase internist length because it was stated that my node distances were to short. By the way I read more of from your linked stuff last night. Do you mix all those bulbs in one fixture. That's what I understood you are doing.
20% is a tad low for veg, 40 would be better if you can get there

more red light will give you some more stretch, IMO that advice was solid if you intend to mainline

My flower light setup is actually made up of 3 six bulb fixtures, my veg light is 1 eight bulb fixture
because it is a hit or miss tactic

I personally prefer MonsterCroppin
Well I only know how to "FIM" one way or it's , "Fuck I Missed Missed". Monster cropping has it's merit that I subscribe to. But I do a lot of fimming and it's never failed me.
@Lazy Hazy let your pots dry out but you dont want to let your plants droop. What I always do when I start a new setup, this is what I did with the coco, I wet enough so the water starts coming out of the bottom. then i weighed them not really just pick up the pots. Then I let it dry out until I see they are starting to sag,picked them up again to see how light they are. After you do this a oce or twice you'll get the idea when its too dry. when you figure it out you don't need to saturate the pots. Digging your finger into the soil is a good way to check also. if you dig in three inches and the medium is dry you should water. Its real simple also kind of critical so take it serious.
If you have a normal root system then you should never subject your plants to a wet/dry cycle, witness water culture which keeps the roots in a saturated nutrient solution all the time. Let a soil medium dry out too much creates serious problems - dry spots, holes and channels that will tend to shed not hold water.
Thanks again for everyone's comments. I added a 125w volume cfl bloom light to my mix to give me a 70/30 ratio of the two spectrums. What I quickly realized is that I didn't have control of nor was monitoring my environment. I have since added a temp and humidity meter that has a sensor sitting on the pot at The base of the plant itself. I'm planning on getting an ec meter and light meter. Is there any other meters or environmental controls that should be considered mandatory?
Get the ph test kit
and a tds meterupload_2015-1-14_15-35-49.jpeg You need the calibration solution for the tds meter. Don't worry about the lights you have enough for now the reds and blues dont make a noticeable difference if you want them to stretch just raise the lights. I flowered some under hps and some under mh and the yeild was the same. In veg I run one MH a hordilux blue eye 400w and a few t8 florescent on got on the cheap at home depot. In Flower I step up the lighting. Uncle ben makes a good point about letting them get too dry but your not growing in dwc or actual soil You have a soilless mix look up ph ranges for soilless mixes. DWC is oxygenated and circulated and you have to change out the water every week or two and clean the bucket otherwise you develop slime and that can cause root rot. Like I said just dig your finger into the soil if it feels dry The problem with over saturated soils is a possibility of root rot.