Lacy's Indoor Grow??? (lots of questions)

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Global Mod, Stoner Chic
OMG guys. I am now in truro Nova scotia and have been having a fabulous time.
The drive down was fabulous but it rained the entire time except for yesterday.
We also stopped at edmunston for the night.
Right now we are at willows bend motel and it is really nice. We just sat down for a complimentary breakfast and they have a heated pool and whirl pool.
We are having a really good time and even my cat is getting along great with my mom. I was very worried about that but my mom is spending time playing ball etc with smokey so the cat is happy. I think maybe even liking it better since there is no competition with the dogs.

Anyway hubby is sitting by himself at the breaskfast table....but I justy wanted to see if I can log in and say hello and that I miss you all so very much.

Take care

Hey I guess you have left then eh? lol Enjoy your trip. :mrgreen::peace:

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
cool lacy am glad that you are haveing a good and the hubby deserve injoy the rest of your tripp and take it easy on your hubby..this is his have a safe trip and all of your friend's will be hear at rollitup when you get back!!! will see you when you get back to town...
da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
OMG guys. I am now in truro Nova scotia and have been having a fabulous time.
The drive down was fabulous but it rained the entire time except for yesterday.
We also stopped at edmunston for the night.
Right now we are at willows bend motel and it is really nice. We just sat down for a complimentary breakfast and they have a heated pool and whirl pool.
We are having a really good time and even my cat is getting along great with my mom. I was very worried about that but my mom is spending time playing ball etc with smokey so the cat is happy. I think maybe even liking it better since there is no competition with the dogs.

Anyway hubby is sitting by himself at the breaskfast table....but I justy wanted to see if I can log in and say hello and that I miss you all so very much.

Take care

Haha always sneaking away to RIU,i'm glad tho! HAPPY TO hear from ya. AWESOME UR having a good time! CANT wait to see ya back. Just for u.. kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
are you driving round cannada?.
anyway where ever you are hope you have a great time.
and mum and cat.
did you take your dogs?.


Well-Known Member
Hi Lacy...I just got back from standing on side of road waving........ Did you drive through Plaster Rock..thats a hell of a lot of woods...It's really nice on the east coast, plus the people are really friendly.... I went to Richibuctu NB on my last visit... you enjoy yourself.................... we'll hold down the fort...
till you're back...


New Member
Hey guys. High speed is awesome. :hump:We are in NFLD Canada and the drive was incredible. We saw so much and had such a good time. I didn't even have a panic attack until we got to the ferry.:twisted: Then I had two.:?

One when we dropped our dogs off at the kennel.:( We had planned on keeping them in the car but at the last moment I found out there was a kennel and decided to put them in there. It was not a good decision at all. Hubby is often commenting that most of the time I see things through rose-coloured glasses. Yep:hump: I sure do. My visions of a dog kennel were those of my dogs been looked after, as far as food and company.:-| That was FAR from the truth. It was some dingy, dirty, smelly, dismal kennel and it was torture leaving them there. THAT by far, was the most difficult part of the trip so far.:( HUbby said I was probably expecting them to be watching doggy movies and chewing dongo bones all day long.:confused: well yeahhhhhhhh:hump:
Then I came upstairs and when I saw I the people that had loaded on the boat I started trippin. :confused: Too much excited energy but I was sooo glad happy made a room reservation.:mrgreen: That totally saved my ass.

Later on when we decided to go out to eat, the line up divided and hubby went another way.:-| I was left standing in a line where this HUGE :shock: dude. And I mean H-U-G-E!!!!!:twisted::o This dude had to be 6'8" and 350 to 400 pounds. He had a bald head and looked scary as ever. (tattoes everywhere)
I could feel myself start shaking and I could feel the dudes eyes on me noticing me shaking:( All of a sudden I felt the colour drain from me and hubby noticed and came over. By then I was in complete tears and people were staring:twisted: FUCK!!! I had when this happens.

Then we went back to the cabin and I was sick.:-?8)
Damn. I don't like ferry's. Not to confuse them with gay people.:-|

Then when they announced that we would be arriving in half an hour and to wait until the boat has stopped to retrieve pets.:-| Yeah right:hump: Like that is gonna happen.:-? I got my doggies right away and got all kinds of dirty looks until I brought my two babies out. Then everybody LOVED them. :mrgreen: I missed them so very much.:-| 6 hours of no dogs?:twisted::(:arrow::?::rolleyes::wall: Brutal I tell you.
My hubby called me a drama queen on the trip.:confused:
I don't know why;)

Right now I am in the living room at the inlaws. So far so good. We went to visit the gandmother yesterday and had a room full. :twisted::shock: Hubby's parents said they had never, ever seen that happen there. Apparently there has never been more than a few people at a time there but within 10 minutes the 'old folks' home was packed.:?
Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :oops: Almost a panic attack BUT I managaed to get out in time.
It was either the dogs that brought all the attention or my laughing. :-? I gotta stop laughing all the time;)

SO you all packed and ready to leave...i wish you and the hubby good luck and drive safely...your going to have a realy good's going to be nice to get away..
da plantDOC
it is nice getting away.:mrgreen:

hey dudette...I don't know if your lurking out there somewhere or not...your thing always says your offline...have a good, safe trip and don't give hubby to hard of a time....remember.."mellow".........;)
MOI lurking???:-|:grin:
never!!!!!!!!!!!!:hump::wink: It always says I'm offline cause I am doof:mrgreen:
I'm on h-o-l-i-d-a-y:hump:8)....hug:hug:

Just dropping in to say HI! Looks like all is well in Lacy Land.....
lol..Lacy Land...:hump:I like that.:mrgreen:

Hey I guess you have left then eh? lol Enjoy your trip. :mrgreen::peace:
Ehhh??? yes ma'me;)

cool lacy am glad that you are haveing a good and the hubby deserve injoy the rest of your tripp and take it easy on your hubby..this is his have a safe trip and all of your friend's will be hear at rollitup when you get back!!! will see you when you get back to town...
da plantDOC
take it easy on hubby?
yeaH OK:-|:shock:

Haha always sneaking away to RIU,i'm glad tho! HAPPY TO hear from ya. AWESOME UR having a good time! CANT wait to see ya back. Just for u.. kiss-ass
Yo woBi. :oops:


are you driving round cannada?.
anyway where ever you are hope you have a great time.
and mum and cat.
did you take your dogs?.
Did I take my dogs????????????????????????? :o:shock:

MAN!!!!!!!!:? THAT question I so did not expect from you. :confused::eek:

Well DUH!!!:-|:-P would you leave your kids at home for a 'family' vacation?:confused::rolleyes: OF COURSE we brought the dogs. I almost find that insulting.:twisted: but its you crazy so I will easy on ya.....:lol::clap:

Hi Lacy...I just got back from standing on side of road waving........ Did you drive through Plaster Rock..thats a hell of a lot of woods...It's really nice on the east coast, plus the people are really friendly.... I went to Richibuctu NB on my last visit... you enjoy yourself.................... we'll hold down the fort...
till you're back...
Twisty dude.:hug: I sat there and looked for you but it was dark:-| and I couldn't see you.
BUT I do have a pet peeve with your province. Ok I know you didn't personally make the rules over there but ..........

why is it that the rest of Canada has everything in two languages for YOUR convenience.:hump: But you go into your province and everything is in french only.:-? WTF!!!!!!!!:roll::twisted: I was trying very hard to reserve my comments BUT twisty dude.....what is with you guys????
Most of you treat the rest of us canadians like we have no right in 'your' province. :confused: Its not the 1st time I have experienced this either so it isn't all just 'in my head.'
BUT I do love ya twisty dude.;)

hey lacy...if you run into ricky, julian and bubbles tell them high for me.....:)
Oh it figured you'd be a trailer trash fan:hump: ha. Hubby LOVES that show. I think most guys do:-|

I'm pretty sure that Sunnyvale is in the Dartmouth area. At least that's where Ricky went to school for his grade ten,and I saw them at the courthouse there at least once.
oh cool.:hump:

hope you are having fun Lacy, cant wait to see pics:)

Kaya gurl. I haven't seen you in ages. How the heck are you and how is farm life? There is a rooster here that does that cock -a doodle doo thing every morning .....I like it cause I am up at 4;30 every morning.
The inlaws aren't too impressed with that but I can't help it. I am as quiet as a possibly can be.

Gotta go back out for a puff.
Hey...the inlaws are real cool about the pot thing. I showed them my card and my dope and they were very appreciative of the fact that I told them.:mrgreen: Well yeahhhh:hump: I'm not gonna be sneaking around like I am doing something wrong. If it is ok with the govenment then it damn well better be ok with everyone else........:hump:
especially the people who apparently know me. :mrgreen:

Later guys.

I really miss you but I have to admit that I am having fun.:mrgreen::hug:

YESSS I have LOTSSSSSSS of pictures.:D


Well-Known Member
I could feel myself start shaking and I could feel the dudes eyes on me noticing me shaking:sad: All of a sudden I felt the colour drain from me and hubby noticed and came over. By then I was in complete tears and people were staring:twisted: FUCK!!! I had when this happens.

Made me laugh till i had tears...... rofl ^^ i can just imagin... your like my mum... fucking funny how she tells story's...


I know i dont know you, neither do we ever talk but i thought i'd let you know u made me laugh so hard ^^

omg.... Peace Lacy ;) Glad your doggy's are a ok ;) ...... Glad you had a good time ^^



Well-Known Member
Morning all ..

Twisty dude.:hug: I sat there and looked for you but it was dark:neutral: and I couldn't see you.
BUT I do have a pet peeve with your province. Ok I know you didn't personally make the rules over there but ..........

why is it that the rest of Canada has everything in two languages for YOUR convenience.:hump: But you go into your province and everything is in french only.:???: WTF!!!!!!!!:roll::twisted: I was trying very hard to reserve my comments BUT twisty dude.....what is with you guys????
Most of you treat the rest of us canadians like we have no right in 'your' province. :confused: Its not the 1st time I have experienced this either so it isn't all just 'in my head.'
BUT I do love ya twisty dude.
Welcome to my world.. I speak French about 100% + read about 60%..and here all important papers like driver license..etc are in French unless you request them in English... fucking peppers (nicer word than "frogs") .. A lot of tourists get killed by not knowing what the road signs mean...
I'm glad that you made it over the bald dude "hump",. not that.. :o:o.......
As for ferrys... the boat type.... the last time I went on one it was the OKA ferry...which consists of 1 tug & 1 we're 1/2 way across and the F*&^%$g cable pulling us breaks......... now its twisty AHOY !!!! stupid peppers !!

When you coming back......... I've got to start changing the signs for you..
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New Member
hey guys. hows it going?
I'm finally getting settled in.
The inlaws are going away and the hubby is going to visit friends today so I have the entire house to myself. waaaaaaaa hoooooooooooooo:twisted: I'm going to make a spagetti dinner today.

I is doing fine thanks cheetah.
How is you doing? Those flowers were lovely btw;)

heeeelooooo Lacy chick! hows u? big hug to u ofcourse!!!!
Made me laugh till i had tears...... rofl ^^ i can just imagin... your like my mum... fucking funny how she tells story's... yes I can go on a 'bit.':|


I know i dont know you, neither do we ever talk but i thought i'd let you know u made me laugh so hard ^^:mrgreen:cause I'm just a barrel of laughs:mrgreen:

omg.... Peace Lacy ;) Glad your doggy's are a ok ;) ...... Glad you had a good time ^^

hey. I'm not back. I only just got here. I am not going back until the 18th:? another 2 full weeks wif the inlaws:confused:what was hubby thinking?:spew:

Morning all ..

Twisty dude.:hug: I sat there and looked for you but it was dark:neutral: and I couldn't see you.
BUT I do have a pet peeve with your province. Ok I know you didn't personally make the rules over there but ..........

why is it that the rest of Canada has everything in two languages for YOUR convenience.:hump: But you go into your province and everything is in french only.:???: WTF!!!!!!!!:roll::twisted: I was trying very hard to reserve my comments BUT twisty dude.....what is with you guys????
Most of you treat the rest of us canadians like we have no right in 'your' province. :confused: Its not the 1st time I have experienced this either so it isn't all just 'in my head.'
BUT I do love ya twisty dude.
Welcome to my world.. I speak French about 100% + read about 60%..and here all important papers like driver license..etc are in French unless you request them in English... fucking peppers (nicer word than "frogs") .. A lot of tourists get killed by not knowing what the road signs mean...Yeah i just figured within the years perhaps it mihgt have changed but not a chance. Thats so very sad. We are trying to stand as a country together :confused:
I'm glad that you made it over the bald dude "hump",. not that.. :o:o.......
As for ferrys... the boat type.... the last time I went on one it was the OKA ferry...which consists of 1 tug & 1 we're 1/2 way across and the F*&^%$g cable pulling us breaks......... now its twisty AHOY !!!! stupid peppers !!OMG twisty. :o How fuckin old are you?;)

When you coming back......... I've got to start changing the signs for you..yes.:-|that would be nice thank you.:mrgreen:
oh called me a doof....just wait till you get back...;)
just wait 'til you get back????
why you got something for me?????????:hump: I can't wait.:mrgreen:

welcome back :)
GUYS!!!! I'm not back. I'm in NFLD. I just got here last tuesday and I'm at the inlawssss:-?:twisted:

welcome back indeed:-?don't you guys read?:confused::blsmoke:
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