whats this bug


Well-Known Member
Woodlice as pests[edit]
Although woodlice, like earthworms, are generally considered beneficial in gardens for their role in producing compost and overturning the soil, they have also been known to feed on cultivated plants, such as ripening strawberries and tender seedlings.[24]
Woodlice can also invade homes en masse in search of moisture and their presence can indicate dampness problems.[25] However, they are not generally regarded as a serious household pest as they do not spread disease and do not damage sound wood or structures


Little fucker was on my first set of jagged leaves and I got him off but a day or two later the seedling shriveled up and died


Well-Known Member
Haha i called them rollie pollies growing up also... dont think i have to worry about them indoors


Well-Known Member
SLATERS is how we no them in scotland because if you look under any one of your slates on your roof you will always find loads.of them....damp dark places