HR 6304 - A Bill to Abolish the 4th Amendment


Well-Known Member
check this out...

the shit thatgoes on behind the american public is just ridiculous.

YouTube - HR 6304 - A Bill to Abolish the 4th Amendment

how and why would you want to take away our 4th amendment ...

i like my privacy, and i bet you guys do to....

the cell phone computer ,all that niceness was given to us so we can be better tracked...
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Well-Known Member
Of course it was. Hell most new cell phones come with an RFID tag embedded right into the cell phone. Everything you do, everything you talk about, everyplace you go is no monitored. All the war or terror is, is war on the american people. I still can't believe how many double-thinking idiots there are. What's so fucked up is that the constitution are inalienable rights. They can't be taken away. They have to be given up freely, and By allowing this to happen...we're saying "fuck the constitution" just like dubya.


Well-Known Member
This is the FISA act. Anyone happen to know how a certain presidential candidate voted on this resolution? God help us, it's even worse than that, but it's too depressing to get into at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Makes you wanna just take all those rep's out back and line them up against a wall and shoot them for being traitors huh? If you can get'em up to Alaska I'll provide the bullets.
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Well-Known Member
This is the FISA act. Anyone happen to know how a certain presidential candidate voted on this resolution? God help us, it's even worse than that, but it's too depressing to get into at the moment.
You're wasting your breath baby...They're gonna ignore his vote in favor of this act and still vote for Obama.


Well-Known Member
Makes you wanna just take all those rep's out back and line them up against a wall and shoot them for being traitors huh? If you can get'em up to Alaska I'll provide the bullets.
And its sad that is probably the only way to get back to our constitution. Probably won't happen in my lifetime but as soon as all the sheep in this country pull out of the slumber they've been in for tha last 30 years its going to happen.


Well-Known Member
And its sad that is probably the only way to get back to our constitution. Probably won't happen in my lifetime but as soon as all the sheep in this country pull out of the slumber they've been in for tha last 30 years its going to happen.
You mean the ones who seem to only be able to absorb information presented to them via YouTube?


Well-Known Member
I think the ones who shoot all of the traitors in DC won't be getting their info from youtube... it will be on cotton, in the form of codes, if the thread is over the top... it's a 1, if it's under, it's a 0, if it goes from left to right over under, it's a 5... :lol: On a more serious not, I still have the bullets, just need the bodies.


Well-Known Member
check this out...

the shit thatgoes on behind the american public is just ridiculous.

YouTube - HR 6304 - A Bill to Abolish the 4th Amendment

how and why would you want to take away our 4th amendment ...

i like my privacy, and i bet you guys do to....

the cell phone computer ,all that niceness was given to us so we can be better tracked...
took you this long to wake up man?
we're in for some deep shit. just wait till it gets worse.
they're trying to kill our freedom of speech as well.

H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 (
YouTube - Freedom of Speech and H.R. 1955 pt. 1

once they start fucking with the 2nd amendment, people will seriously need to start revolting against these bastards. we let the government get too powerful.


Well-Known Member
know your rights is rule number one...apparently they want to you to not have any to even know.

im just spreading the word.

this shit sucks

check my post on other shit man if you think ive been sleeping...

ive been awake since i was 19...

my mother and father both where b.p's they taught me to not trust the establishment.

my friend my eyes have been open for a long long time.
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Well-Known Member
spread the word brotha. people need to know whether they like it or not.
just don't get too serious, but i'm sure you know that already lol

check out this site We The People Radio Network
They host a radio station on the internet that talks about all this bullshit that is going on in our country and other stuff around the world.

They talk about freedom rallies, the major importance of natural foods/health, current Bills being brought to congress, news about politics, etc.
They take calls from people around the world too, it's an awesome community.


Well-Known Member
This HAS to be the worst idea ever. If this were to pass I would probably move out of the country.


Well-Known Member
oh shit that sucks, I just might. I can get duel citizenship in Canada and France pretty easily because my mother was born in Canada and my grandfather in Algeria which at the time was a French territory. Ill probably go to canada if i do leave, i think they are cooler with pot than the french, plus I don't have to learn a new language lol. But fuck I cant believe they passed something so blatantly wrong, they could be monitoring what Im typing now



Well-Known Member
To late to do anything other than move out.. Its like everyone has been in a fucking coma.. The masses have been mesmerized beyond ever returning.. In the end there will be a light flashed upon your face and you shall see letters.. and it shall spell "YOU HAVE JUST BEEN FUCKED" lol well im off to bed.. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
once they start invading houses and/or taking our guns and/or throwing people in prisons for being freedom activists... you can expect another civil war.

and that may just happen within a year, so keep yourself informed about what's going on with your government (this goes for everyone around the world). even if you don't believe that they're corrupt, you should still keep track of what they're doing. it's the people who should be in control in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Why do we even need congress anymore? Wasn't that for when we couldn't get everyones vote? When we needed representatives to take our opinions and bring them to Washington? Now with technology why don't we just have an I-Phone to vote on, they can easily get a vote from everyone in the country and everyones opinion could be represented. The 4th amendment isn't out dated I think congress is outdated. I just wish people would start protesting or rioting or somting I mean wtf America.


Well-Known Member
once they start invading houses and/or taking our guns and/or throwing people in prisons for being freedom activists... you can expect another civil war.

and that may just happen within a year, so keep yourself informed about what's going on with your government (this goes for everyone around the world). even if you don't believe that they're corrupt, you should still keep track of what they're doing. it's the people who should be in control in the first place.
Ssshhhh... why, that kind of talk could be labeled sedition. ;)

It only gets worse, friends. But you won't find ME talking about cutting and running, no way! I stand my ground. :evil: