Dabbing Question


New Member
I have a "Friend" who is 15 years old and goes through a gram of oil in a night by himself. He tells me it takes him alot more to get high. I have been smoking since I was about 14 and I go through close to a gram of weed and a around 2 dabs a day. One dab is pretty much good enough for me to get me high. So basically what Im asking is it healthy for him to be going through a gram of oil a night and not get as high as he should be?
I have a "Friend" who is 15 years old and goes through a gram of oil in a night by himself. He tells me it takes him alot more to get high. I have been smoking since I was about 14 and I go through close to a gram of weed and a around 2 dabs a day. One dab is pretty much good enough for me to get me high. So basically what Im asking is it healthy for him to be going through a gram of oil a night and not get as high as he should be?
I find its impossible for me to get "high." I smoke a bowl every 5-10 minutes for hours in a row. The first bowl of the day is always the one with the most kick.
Does this child have ready access? How often does he smoke. Technically he shouldn't, but a lot have started that way so...

There's no real downside from smoking a lot of weed. Except it gets much much harder to get the same high.
I have a "Friend" who is 15 years old and goes through a gram of oil in a night by himself. He tells me it takes him alot more to get high. I have been smoking since I was about 14 and I go through close to a gram of weed and a around 2 dabs a day. One dab is pretty much good enough for me to get me high. So basically what Im asking is it healthy for him to be going through a gram of oil a night and not get as high as he should be?

bitchslap your friend .......he has addiction problem .........the amount of oil he is smoking is crazy the cost of a habbit like that ......tell him see a doctor and stop trying to escape (will save him money n oil and legal bills)
You guys are cool.

15 yr old smoking that much...
What if this 15 year old hypothetically had leukemia, ALS, or Severe seizures, etc? Would you give a shit what or how much that 15 yr old is doing?

But more than likely, justugh is correct, the kid doesn't need close to that much. I was hinting at this (by asking a question)...
He likely has a tolerance problem due to "smoking every chance he can" or "smoking to pass the time/boredom"
How does he even get that? Are you supplying him? If you are then stop giving so much. And is he buying, or are you too nice and are feeding his bad habits?
Can easily be fixed by making kid go to a real school and supplier telling him he can only have like 1.5g of dabs and 2-3 grams of flower a week. If wants the high so bad throughout the week, he can only smoke at night after school, or basically one or less bowls per day.
You can also charge him steet values, If you charge him something like street,up to $40-45 a gram of dabs, plus up to $25-30 a quality eighth, plus possible age/risk fee of another $10, he'll smoke as much as he needs and no more, stopping if he doesn't have a job. Well, unless hes always fiending like I am.

I think my brain sees cannabis like normal peoples brains see nicotine (any amount of nicotine whatsoever ALWAYS causes me to vomit.) It does everything and more for me that nicotine craving people say cigs do, minus the cancer and poison. Thus, I formed a habit of chain-smoking with miss mary jane.
I guess my first answer, WHERE I DIDN'T JUST ASSUME I KNEW EVERYTHING, was trying to say that no its not real healthy, although I defy you to find a medical negative in his body caused by smoking weed, as weed itself will rarely hurt your health. Its not physically unhealthy (except it can temporarily lower 02 absorption rates in the lungs, and should not be inhaled if on a breathing machine/supplemental oxygen) and thus my statement of no real downside.
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Yes I would care ..it's called dosing...

Here is my thing...I can smoke and smoke and smoke all day by myself and it feels like I am not even medicated..it's actually boring...now, on the other hand when I am with some buddies I can take 2-3 good rips and be stoned out of my mind

I believe it is the surrounding you are in at the time and how your mood is.
Yes I would care ..it's called dosing...

Here is my thing...I can smoke and smoke and smoke all day by myself and it feels like I am not even medicated..it's actually boring...now, on the other hand when I am with some buddies I can take 2-3 good rips and be stoned out of my mind

I believe it is the surrounding you are in at the time and how your mood is.
To each their own. For the most part I agree with this. But the whole dosing thing, you have to account for the genetic tolerance from how efficient your body can break down the acids and such. Plus there can be 100 more reasons why the tolerance threshold is higher in one person or another. So telling someone a gram of oil a day is too much is kind of hypocritical, when you yourself said
Here is my thing...I can smoke and smoke and smoke all day by myself and it feels like I am not even medicated..it's actually boring...now, on the other hand when I am with some buddies I can take 2-3 good rips and be stoned out of my mind

I have also seen over the years that the "smarter the person" the easier they handle a severe high, and the more likely they are to handle larger amounts/have a higher tolerance. Just my 2 cents.
the point is not to get ripped out of mind and escape .....this is addiction and they will court order habit

the point is to make what ever the trouble or issue deal-able so u can have a somewhat normal life.........this is called medicating and they will not call u a addict

i just went tho some court shit ........because i went into a addiction program and did the intake with this same attitude the doctor doing my intake wrote me a letter to my lawyer (i had not idea she was going too) but basically tells them i do not have a addiction problem ....but i do have some other issue and should be allowed to keep using this as a medical choice

smoking a gram a day of dap is well only for someone that is dying the nerve endings in the body are on fire.........i only take 2 to 4 bong hits a day (medical weed with cbds )
the 15 year old is a addict with some underlying issues that they need to talk to a doctor about before it grows out of control to the point cops and other ppl get involved ppl are assholes so could get screwed worst then me cost 11,500 so far and i still have court fines and fees
getting ripped out of mind on a holiday or weekend now and then fine

they call that nascar ....they use beer

but everyday that is 2 ozs of a weed of week (avg 3.5 grams bho from oz of weed)
Imagine a person with anorexia, severe depression, ptsd, adhd, severe anxiety, high iq, a minor case of ocd that is rather easy to control, muscle cramps, severe back pain, etc, who does not handle dealing with life well in the first place....
How much medical grade flower (not a specifically targeted strain) would you recommend?
I currently fit this description and feel a minimum need for ~1.5-1.8 grams a day for non- recreational use (while the only "undesired" symptoms from the weed I'll show at levels up to 2 grams are red-eyes and dry mouth). This amount is when I feel able to face the world.

I do have the habit of over-medicating and enjoying life, but it rarely detracts from my quality of life. Maybe I should move from ca to washington or colorado. The places I have in mind have much 420 friendlier climates than where I am now.
Imagine a person with anorexia, severe depression, ptsd, adhd, severe anxiety, high iq, a minor case of ocd that is rather easy to control, muscle cramps, severe back pain, etc, who does not handle dealing with life well in the first place....
How much medical grade flower (not a specifically targeted strain) would you recommend?
I currently fit this description and feel a minimum need for ~1.5-1.8 grams a day for non- recreational use (while the only "undesired" symptoms from the weed I'll show at levels up to 2 grams are red-eyes and dry mouth). This amount is when I feel able to face the world.

I do have the habit of over-medicating and enjoying life, but it rarely detracts from my quality of life. Maybe I should move from ca to washington or colorado. The places I have in mind have much 420 friendlier climates than where I am now.

u are like most ppl who did not grow up in this life style u are making the same mistake all of them do ..........u stick on one strain for to long
1 get a grinder
2 get 4 to 6 different strains

grind up the weed ........smoke some ........now grind up a 2nd strain and mix around and smoke that

the different strains are not just taste the chemicals in them are also at different lvls .....so by smoking same one u aget getting use to it and requiring more

but if u start mixing them the chemicals are never the same so your body never adjust and u find a blend that works great for u compared to where a strain just helped some

now u can get one that is really high cbds and some that is high thc and mix it to something u never could of had alone .......i been doing this for years i still only need 2 to 4 bong hits a day maybe i avg 1 gram a day
I have a "Friend" who is 15 years old and goes through a gram of oil in a night by himself. He tells me it takes him alot more to get high. I have been smoking since I was about 14 and I go through close to a gram of weed and a around 2 dabs a day. One dab is pretty much good enough for me to get me high. So basically what Im asking is it healthy for him to be going through a gram of oil a night and not get as high as he should be?
You have a 15 year old friend. Somehow I fear you're not old enough to be on this forum.
If the oil has lots of residues from butane, it's at the very least gross. The main attraction about dabbing is how little one needs to get off. When I dab from a safety pin, I use a glass tube, heat it red hot, then apply the dab in the tube. Two or three in a row is how I dose per 2-3 hrs maybe less. I have a high tolerance, but perhaps he's inefficiant in his administration? Is he putting it on the plant matter then smoking it? He's better off vaping it from a Ti nail w a vapor globe and perhaps cut down. Efficancy is key to getting most bang for your buck.
u are like most ppl who did not grow up in this life style u are making the same mistake all of them do ..........u stick on one strain for to long
1 get a grinder
2 get 4 to 6 different strains

grind up the weed ........smoke some ........now grind up a 2nd strain and mix around and smoke that

the different strains are not just taste the chemicals in them are also at different lvls .....so by smoking same one u aget getting use to it and requiring more

but if u start mixing them the chemicals are never the same so your body never adjust and u find a blend that works great for u compared to where a strain just helped some

now u can get one that is really high cbds and some that is high thc and mix it to something u never could of had alone .......i been doing this for years i still only need 2 to 4 bong hits a day maybe i avg 1 gram a day
Dude, I'm not at all new to this so no need to explain mmj 101, one of my favorite things to do is look at the different cannabinoid and terpenoid levels. http://analytical360.com/testresults

Since the closest dispensary is ~75 miles away, I get local, and its often much lower in thc, cannabinoids and terpenoids. The local weed seems to have no synergistic properties. And finding a specific strain is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Blindfolded if you want any regularity. Your advice worked in the first 4-6 months. But I've smoked/eaten/vaped/mix'n matched at least 75 strains. Only 8 or so were ones that had any direct effect on my symptoms, and I could not get them regularly. I get a medical grade smoke ~15-20% of the time from local suppliers. But I cannot vouch for the other 80-85%. But I NEVER have to pay, ever, so no major complaints..

My hardest symptom to treat with mj alone is the severe depression. But since I told my doctor I consume marijuana, he has not been willing to prescribe anything but (forget the exact type) inhibitors that may work in 4-6 months. They didn't. No help to someone whos been so depressed they were in a 5150 hold. I need something more on a day to week scale.
He also does not believe the extent of my anxiety (it really can be debilitating), and tried saying the inhibitor should help....... smh, really would prefer xanax or xanax alternative as I've illegally tried xanax at half dose (a little less actually) with 100% success in controlling anxiety attacks (and possibly helped my constant insomnia). Would be no more canceling on someone (like the doctor) 10-20 minutes prior due to anxiety.

When I am not depressed, have nothing overly stressful/anxiety causing in my life, not feeling the pain much, and am having a good time (all are rare occurrences, even more rarely on the same day), I find 2-5 big hits (say ~.75-1.4 grams flower, the more ground up, the more I need to a point) to be plenty, often dependant on humidity and how efficient my lungs are at that time.

Is there a dry-lung condition from excess smoking, because if I want to be efficient, i stand above the shower with my joint inhaling steam and I can feel the moisture hydrating my lungs, and I actually cough etc..

With my crappy e-z vape vaporizer, ill go through 2-2.5 grams of lower-medium grade (been vaping OG18 a little too often...) as a minimum, often filtered through a bong. Is this overkill too?

My body-fat percentage has dropped at least 6% (used to be 19-21% fat) and i've lost at least 15% of my muscle mass from 6 months ago (i'd also assume my grey matter also weighs less than it used too, as your body will cannibalize even the brain). My body has proven on "party days" that un-lecithinized multi-strain edibles do not hit for 2+ hours,and takes about 7-10x as much as the next person to achieve the same "high." 3-4x the regular dose only puts me at a "slightly medicated" feeling.

All in all I do not care what you say (and don't plan on responding anymore), I know what's working, but I still would like to hear what you have to say, being as I am about to go through some non-related legal bs too, and will not go without a form of treatment. I cannot count on the local underpaid doctors (readily giving out prescriptions for vicodin, norco, soma, xanax, oxy,etc to KNOWN pill poppers) and understaffed near-shutdown hospitals, all they've been doing is collectively looking to set up long term clients, and I prefer mj because its as easy as pie and each sitting fixes 2-5 hours)...
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You have a 15 year old friend. Somehow I fear you're not old enough to be on this forum.
TBH, I was thinking friend was more like son/nephew... But you could be right, could be underaged dumbasses.

In which case, OP quit fucking dabbing you are throwing your lives away. Coming from a heavy smoker. When I first started, it was once a day in the last 1-2 hrs before bed, ~.5 gram potent organic flower per day. Yes I have a scale btw, and often measure for shits and giggles, like when I challenge a friend to see who can one hit more of an exactly 2g ground up bowl with a torch lighter, with Iron lung Heygurlll obviously winning. I also measure my joints and I roll 1.2-1.75 grams in a regular bugler)
Dude, I'm not at all new to this so no need to explain mmj 101, one of my favorite things to do is look at the different cannabinoid and terpenoid levels. http://analytical360.com/testresults

Since the closest dispensary is ~75 miles away, I get local, and its often much lower in thc, cannabinoids and terpenoids. The local weed seems to have no synergistic properties. And finding a specific strain is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Blindfolded if you want any regularity. Your advice worked in the first 4-6 months. But I've smoked/eaten/vaped/mix'n matched at least 75 strains. Only 8 or so were ones that had any direct effect on my symptoms, and I could not get them regularly. I get a medical grade smoke ~15-20% of the time from local suppliers. But I cannot vouch for the other 80-85%. But I NEVER have to pay, ever, so no major complaints..

My hardest symptom to treat with mj alone is the severe depression. But since I told my doctor I consume marijuana, he has not been willing to prescribe anything but (forget the exact type) inhibitors that may work in 4-6 months. They didn't. No help to someone whos been so depressed they were in a 5150 hold. I need something more on a day to week scale.
He also does not believe the extent of my anxiety (it really can be debilitating), and tried saying the inhibitor should help....... smh, really would prefer xanax or xanax alternative as I've illegally tried xanax at half dose (a little less actually) with 100% success in controlling anxiety attacks (and possibly helped my constant insomnia). Would be no more canceling on someone (like the doctor) 10-20 minutes prior due to anxiety.

When I am not depressed, have nothing overly stressful/anxiety causing in my life, not feeling the pain much, and am having a good time (all are rare occurrences, even more rarely on the same day), I find 2-5 big hits (say ~.75-1.4 grams flower, the more ground up, the more I need to a point) to be plenty, often dependant on humidity and how efficient my lungs are at that time.

Is there a dry-lung condition from excess smoking, because if I want to be efficient, i stand above the shower with my joint inhaling steam and I can feel the moisture hydrating my lungs, and I actually cough etc..

With my crappy e-z vape vaporizer, ill go through 2-2.5 grams of lower-medium grade (been vaping OG18 a little too often...) as a minimum, often filtered through a bong. Is this overkill too?

My body-fat percentage has dropped at least 6% (used to be 19-21% fat) and i've lost at least 15% of my muscle mass from 6 months ago (i'd also assume my grey matter also weighs less than it used too, as your body will cannibalize even the brain). My body has proven on "party days" that un-lecithinized multi-strain edibles do not hit for 2+ hours,and takes about 7-10x as much as the next person to achieve the same "high." 3-4x the regular dose only puts me at a "slightly medicated" feeling.

All in all I do not care what you say (and don't plan on responding anymore), I know what's working, but I still would like to hear what you have to say, being as I am about to go through some non-related legal bs too, and will not go without a form of treatment. I cannot count on the local underpaid doctors (readily giving out prescriptions for vicodin, norco, soma, xanax, oxy,etc to KNOWN pill poppers) and understaffed near-shutdown hospitals, all they've been doing is collectively looking to set up long term clients, and I prefer mj because its as easy as pie and each sitting fixes 2-5 hours)...

then what the hell are u yelling at me for

damn need to vent but what did i do to get yelled at like this

as for the trouble in getting weed .........i been ordering from a seed bank getting different genetics for 2 years ........u can do the same and make your own supply otherwise i am not sure why u are here ..........the closest store to me is 90 miles and i can not use them since i am not living in DC the next choice is 1600miles in CO is the closest place i can legally get

i been smoking since i was 18 for bipolar 35 now .. so fine i am done with in here and u have a nice life hope u feel better or find better weed