Determining bud girth


Well-Known Member
Ok so, I was wondering something. Obviously I want my colas nice and fat, as does everyone. I was wondering if you can determine if they're going to be nice and thick depending on how close the bud sites are together. On my top cola, I have probably 20 little bud sites that are almost touching each other on a top cola that is probably only 7 inches in length. Does that mean that sucker is going to fill in really tight and get nice and wide?? My camera is dead or i'd get pictures.


Well-Known Member
im growing this plant is my backyard in bushes and i wanted to keep it low profile.
so ive done LST to my plant and topped it once and i notice my plant has close bud sites.

day 30 of flowering, just reppotted her in a bigger pot and she is recovering from a nutrient burn. now im not feeding her any nutes beside the ones in the new soil which is 10-5-5



Well-Known Member
thats a shame about the nute burn.

Is it pretty easy to nute burn during flower?

I PH'd my water today and it was fucking high.

Then I ph'd my runoff and it was perfect.

any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Shes not pretty but i'm sure she'll get the job done :mrgreen:

yes i hope she does!
im only growing this plant for the fun and experience not for the amount and i always wanted to grow a mini weed plant with buds

i will probably only yeild 7-10 grams but thats kool


Well-Known Member
nah i grew it from a bagseed, the reason why the stem is sooo tall with no branches because i grew this plant in bushes, and some of the lower ones died from the nute burn/age. the good thing about that is that more light is reaching the bottom and growing more bud sites


Well-Known Member
I've got one that looks like yours,mine was a flood survivor all of the others were completely under water but this one was just barely sticking out of the water.So I reached down into the water and scooped it out,I call her Katrina :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yea well i flushed her 3 times in 5 days until the burning stopped,

i give her water every 2-3 days depending on how dry the soil is.