bud bootlegger
how is the mahi to eat double j? is it more on the flakey side, or more on the fishy, like blue fish, side, kind of oily?
Meh it's not really a big deal for me. For me it just matters that I eat a good variety of shit- lots of veggies and greens, some starch, some meat. I just feel that humans and animals have been eating meat since Moby Dick was a minnow and they seem to be stronger and healthier than those who don't. Sure our practices of slaughter and feed are fucked up but give it a break, it's not going to be beautiful when you kill another creature at any point. Just keep it at moderation- excess and you have grotesque fat assholes or skinny clear skinned bitches. Everything in moderation.
There's those people who are 90 years old and smoked their whole lives and are fine, and someone who obeyed every possible health guideline and they died suddenly at age 19. Who knows. I feel I'm healthy and proportionate and everything so I don't worry too much about any thing I eat.
Steak on a grill is fucking amazing. I don't need to think much past that.
Agreed. +repEhh, I'm a firm believer in trying anything atleast once. I don't hate on anyone for their diet. As long as they don't hate on me. A lot of vegans tend to be condescending and self-righteous as to somehow what they're doing is revolutionary and noble. They tend to forget that eating meat isn't a diet choice in a lot of places. It's called survival.
red meat always makes me have to go to the bathroom in a serious way. and sometimes makes me feel a bit sluggish as well..
Great observation on the blood.
What is that watery red shit anyways?
I like meat. So does my wife. I have tried to steer her towards more white meat and fish. 'Tried' being the operative word there.
She always steers towards red meat. I like re
Great observation on the blood.
What is that watery red shit anyways?
I'll take this one.
Beef you buy in the supermarket contains little to no blood. Blood contains a very distinct pigment called hemoglobin. If somebody orders their beef "bloody" what they really mean is "beef that has been cooked to a light enough degree that the oxymyoglobin in it has not yet had a chance to break down and therefore
Looks like hemoglobin still." Oxymyoglobin looks like hemoglobin (blood pigment) and breaks down with higher heat, and thus will darken or not seem "bloody" once cooked more.
Reading that a third time to absorb lol.
Thank you.
I just happen to have 3 Doves in my Chicken pen.Also with that being said, the 1986 John Woo flick A Better Tomorrow is a great movie. Watcha muthafuckas know about gangsters and doves!!
Reading that a third time to absorb lol.
Thank you.
Couldn't have said it better.nothing i love more than eating a nice red piece of meat, medium rare, please and thanks, and wiping the blood that is running down my chin as i'm biting into it..
makes me feel alive..![]()
Haha, yeah I'm about to get baked but I'm having a few glasses of wine and watching Vietnam in HD on Netflix. Excuse me if I didn't explain it well, this series is super intense!!!