Meat Eaters...

We raise a garden. We raise chickens that run free. The eggs get a dark orange yolk. We pluck chickens and eat them. Good chicken and dumplings.

We raise grass fed beef. Its almost game tasting.

I hunt private land and still buy hunting license, it pays for conservation.

State wildlife and private hunting and fishing clubs have done more for conservation than Peta ever thought about doing.
i want a real farm with cows chickens and fish i want to raise and eat them.. i love meat ostrage meat, bafaloe meat, dear, elk, aligator, rattle snake, and well i dont like Hava leana, that shit stringy and nasty.. i like the heart of the animal the best and the balls lolz for realz...
i want a real farm with cows chickens and fish i want to raise and eat them.. i love meat ostrage meat, bafaloe meat, dear, elk, aligator, rattle snake, and well i dont like Hava leana, that shit stringy and nasty.. i like the heart of the animal the best and the balls lolz for realz...

First time I had mountain oysters I didn't know what they were.
^^^thought u were joking at first. I mean why would a turkey testicle festival need security? Are that many people breaking down doors just to try them?