Club 600


Well-Known Member

Are those 3 Blue pits from seed? Cause I think I see 2 phenos. The one on the left has fattest fingers. Dog leaning? Im no pit expert just my .02

Maybe not, for example, a dog s1'ed itself. The beans were grown out, a pheno was selected. I havent seen any nanners at all yet. I also think that there are situations where the s1's would be rather different than the mom. Was it the RP Sour (im running that one)?
No it was the Conniesseur Genetics ECSDH. I'll post some pics later. Off to work.



Well-Known Member
Hey guys... anyone make stuff like where you put ground up buds in liquor or other stuff you can take a few drops of by mouth?

I made some one time, ground up a bunch of good herb, put it in a jar with bicardi 151 for like 3 weeks, strained it out and that was it. Tasted horrible, but the girl I gave it to said it worked for her pain. I was going to make her another batch before I moved and wanted to do a better job this time. I never heated up the bud last time, but someone said it activates in the liquor or something, I don't know. Whatever.... point is... how do I make better stuff.

And I don't want to make edibles or caps or anything. The stuff I made her last time was super easy, worked for her, and has lasted like 3 years. :)

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Hey guys... anyone make stuff like where you put ground up buds in liquor or other stuff you can take a few drops of by mouth?

I made some one time, ground up a bunch of good herb, put it in a jar with bicardi 151 for like 3 weeks, strained it out and that was it. Tasted horrible, but the girl I gave it to said it worked for her pain. I was going to make her another batch before I moved and wanted to do a better job this time. I never heated up the bud last time, but someone said it activates in the liquor or something, I don't know. Whatever.... point is... how do I make better stuff.

And I don't want to make edibles or caps or anything. The stuff I made her last time was super easy, worked for her, and has lasted like 3 years. :)

Thanks in advance
You did fine the first time. The only thing i can think would cange it any would be the terp profile of the weed used. You could winterize it but is not needed.


Well-Known Member
Also, if you want it cleaner, no lipids or chlorophyll in the alcohol, you can just break up the Buds really good, let soak for 10 minutes, shake for 5, filter back into the bottle and cap it. Thc and cannabinoids are absorbed into the alcohol in the first 30 seconds of soaking in, 151, faster in ever clear and even faster with iso

Edit: Shake for 5 seconds , not minutes :p a tincture is different because you won't be smoking it, so a longer soak and shake is OK, but most of the thc will be absorbed very quickly- hope that helps
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Well-Known Member
We made Tequila Verde years ago, ruff stuff but it didn't take a lot to do the dirt.
Fill a empty tequila bottle with popcorn buds fill to top with tequila and place in a
light tight bag for 6 weeks (I don't know why 6 weeks) drain and drink.
I believe the recipe came from High Times back in the late '70s.


Well-Known Member
Also, if you want it cleaner, no lipids or chlorophyll in the alcohol, you can just break up the Buds really good, let soak for 10 minutes, shake for 5, filter back into the bottle and cap it. Thc and cannabinerds are absorbed into the alcohol in the first 30 seconds of soaking in, 151, faster in ever clear and even faster with iso
I think for a tenther(spelling) you soak in V.G. for three months after a water hash run so there has to be some goodies trapped in the plant matter. That was my thinking ingesting it the longer soak would be fine.


Well-Known Member
Totally doc, since it's being ingested rather than smoked you can soak it as long as needed, it doesn't produce any negative effects since it's not smoked. You can also soak the weed in water prior to soaking in alcohol and that will get rid of any water soluble stuff in the bud (makes it taste better) but that's not necessary either


Well-Known Member
Howdy 600 club, well the wife is sick as hell, came home been in the bathroom ever since poor thing.

Beast - Sir how right you were on the PK, quick dried but fantastic none the less, lemony goodness.

DCobeen - right on sir - I checked the tricks again and they were on target so she got chopped then the PK got the chop last night.

Everyone's plants are looking sweet guys, kinda of a blessing having a bit more time before the flip to vertical, I have been taking the whole tent apart reworking the exhaust, opened up a port in the roof and covered it with cheesecloth to be able to remove more hot air from the tent. I set the suction for the scrubber directly above where the bulb will sit and on the floor will sit a fan in a milk create pointing up at the bulb. Damn I cant wait to get some cure on this ED, sorry random thought got put in lol. We found an idea for pvc ladders that fit into the pots, so I am going to make those up this weekend have to get the supplies tomorrow and I will post pics. I wanted to be able to deal with each plant individually but get the needed support with something reusable, bleach able, but sturdy. The wife brought up they may get top heavy, so my thought is I can tie the upper rung to the top pole of the tent and it should stay put.
I also realized pumping my scrubbed air on the floor like I have been wont work anymore. On the other setup, non-vert, I would run the scrubber when the light was off, for smell control, didnt need it with the lights on and fan pushing in the door. So if I am right I would basically putting heat into my setup leaving it on the floor. I cleaned the fan and put the mount back on, flipped the flanges on the filter to get another year out of it and will find appropriate places to mount them up. I am stuck on if I want a long run between the fan and filter to aide in cooling the air before exhausting, or mount it to the end of the fan and scrub and exhaust immediately after coming out of the tent.
I also figured out we wont be putting the parabolic in the tent, as it would get in the way, so bare bulb on a hanging socket - have to order it still - is the way for me. Damn sorry guys I guess I get chatty on ED hehe. Peace MD


Well-Known Member
Totally doc, since it's being ingested rather than smoked you can soak it as long as needed, it doesn't produce any negative effects since it's not smoked. You can also soak the weed in water prior to soaking in alcohol and that will get rid of any water soluble stuff in the bud (makes it taste better) but that's not necessary either
That is to funny @SomeGuy i justed washed my first plants.