herbies fault? or noobs fault


Well-Known Member
first of al i love herbies and the service i recieved from them.


i squeezed a seed lightly and it cracked. the other seeds i got stood up to the challenge. why did this seed give up on me?


Well-Known Member
If they don't pass the squeeze test they sure as hell weren't going to germinate anyway. I would photograph the damaged seed and send a pic to them and give them a chance to respond. Sometimes a seed gets by quality control or maybe the quality control of the breeder is not as good as it should be. I think it is reasonable to expect a replacement and I would request one.


Well-Known Member
thanks bugeye! i emailed herbies and faithful thwy will resolve it.

yeaaaah i thought you could squeeze the seeds lightly too test viability? is this false information?


Well-Known Member
thanks bugeye! i emailed herbies and faithful thwy will resolve it.

yeaaaah i thought you could squeeze the seeds lightly too test viability? is this false information?
I believe it is a common quality control procedure to lightly squeeze or roll seeds and discard any that crack. If this is not correct, I'm sure I'll be set straight.

Seeds that crack easily do so because they are flawed. It could be a sign that the seed was harvested too early or that it had a defect like a micro-crack or something that caused it to get overly dry inside and go bad. I believe It would have been a waste of your time to germinate it.


Well-Known Member
i was just gna drop it in water then decided too squeeze it a little. i instantly heard a crack so being a curious george i tried all of them. all were good except one. has anyone experienced this from a herbies order and if so howd that play out

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
If it crushed when lightly squeezed it was a bunk seed to start with, not your fault. I, and many others, have done much rougher things to seeds to increase the chances of them germinating (Scarification anyone?), if the seed is hollow and crunches when squeezed it's because it's not fully developed inside and it wouldn't have sprouted anyways.


Well-Known Member
Look close you will see it was a camera and mike from our buddies at the nsa ...lol
email Herbys for news?


Well-Known Member
yeah ive always gave my seeds a light squeeze before germing, so people tellin me that, that was a noob mistake kinda baffled me


Well-Known Member
Well I wouldn't tell them you that you applied pressure on the seed between your fingers! They would most likely say the same thing I did!