Be Afraid ... VERY Afraid ...


Well-Known Member
and anyways i don't know much about McCain but isn't he the Maverick who has been trying to get rid of a lot of the Pork Barrel bullsh!t in congress for a long time? they've both been trying to bring together demo's and republicans and I'm sure either would be better than the current regime!

and hey, Obama tried yayo once, so he's gotta be open minded. The problem with too many people is we gripe and complain and then get stoned and don't DO ANYTHING.


Well-Known Member
he was one of the few that actually voted against the iraq war, no?
If you're referring to Obama, he wasn't a senator when the Iraq Resolution was put to Congress for vote. He did vote for Patriot II and he did vote for FISA.


Well-Known Member
and anyways i don't know much about McCain but isn't he the Maverick who has been trying to get rid of a lot of the Pork Barrel bullsh!t in congress for a long time?
Pork barrel spending? Heh...OK...sure...He also voted to increase the federal deficit spending to a whopping 9 trillion dollars.


New Member
Pork barrel spending? Heh...OK...sure...He also voted to increase the federal deficit spending to a whopping 9 trillion dollars.
In realistic terms, McCains budget increases are only a legitimate argument if you put them besides Obamas, since one of the "men" will win . If McCain wants to increase the budget by 9 tril, and Obama wants to increase the budget by 15 tril, then McCain will "actually cut" the budget by 6 tril. Although not necessarily accurate, it is reality.


Well-Known Member
In realistic terms, McCains budget increases are only a legitimate argument if you put them besides Obamas, since one of the "men" will win . If McCain wants to increase the budget by 9 tril, and Obama wants to increase the budget by 15 tril, then McCain will "actually cut" the budget by 6 tril. Although not necessarily accurate, it is reality.
I suppose that's one way of looking at it. I not heard one single word from either candidate about an actual REDUCTION IN FEDERAL SPENDING...which of course leads me to believe that Obama will tax us into oblivion and McCain will sell our souls to the Chinese just like this current Administration and Congress.


Well-Known Member
I suppose that's one way of looking at it. I not heard one single word from either candidate about an actual REDUCTION IN FEDERAL SPENDING...which of course leads me to believe that Obama will tax us into oblivion and McCain will sell our souls to the Chinese just like this current Administration and Congress.

And which is worse????:confused:


Well-Known Member
Neither...And that is why I refuse to prostitute my vote anymore. McCain and Obama will not be getting our votes.
So will you not vote at all? Because when there are two possible outcomes, it seems there must always be a preference to be had, even if not ideal. Protest votes, or idealistic votes for marginal candidates can result in your least preferred outcome. Not voting, the same. Better to just squinch your eyes shut and punch that card, pull that lever, whatever.

Also, the presidential decision aside, how do you make your choices down through state and local elections? In much of the country, those elections can actually impact your life more directly than who is sitting in the oval office.


Well-Known Member
So will you not vote at all? Because when there are two possible outcomes, it seems there must always be a preference to be had, even if not ideal. Protest votes, or idealistic votes for marginal candidates can result in your least preferred outcome. Not voting, the same. Better to just squinch your eyes shut and punch that card, pull that lever, whatever.

Also, the presidential decision aside, how do you make your choices down through state and local elections? In much of the country, those elections can actually impact your life more directly than who is sitting in the oval office.
You must be new 'round these parts, aintcha pilgrim? ;) :lol: