should i put noots in water


Active Member
just wondering if i should put noots in water couse my plants are about 2 1/2 mounths old and thay really havent done anything thier about 2 inches tall whats the best thing to do


Well-Known Member
just wondering if i should put noots in water couse my plants are about 2 1/2 mounths old and thay really havent done anything thier about 2 inches tall whats the best thing to do
Ok, let's use proper English here so I can try and help you. Noots, as in nutes? Second question, if they are 2 1/2 months old, how the hell are they only 2 inches tall? If they are that old, you should have been using nutes a LONG time ago.



Active Member
i was afrade i was going to burn them up ok i need to get some nutes but do i putt them in water


Well-Known Member
You ph your water, then put in the nutes. Then PH again to see what your levels are at. The nutes will drop the PH. You only burn them when you use too much nutes. And from what I've read, they are old enough for nutes


Active Member
should i ph rain water i collect rain water works good for my garden but iv never grew a garden inside. this is my first grow inside i biuld a nice box to put them in set it all up.oh do yall have and idea how much nutes and all the ph stuff.and when u say ph the water do i need that paper test kit


Well-Known Member
should i ph rain water i collect rain water works good for my garden but iv never grew a garden inside. this is my first grow inside i biuld a nice box to put them in set it all up.oh do yall have and idea how much nutes and all the ph stuff.and when u say ph the water do i need that paper test kit

Yes, test the waters PH. You can get that at Wal-Mart, Home Depot, or any place that sells pool supplies. Give a 1/4 strength of what the bottle of nutes says.


Well-Known Member
If you had started giving nutrients 2 and a half months ago, you would be harvesting bud right about now. Get a PH pen, the papers are too difficult to use all the time.


Well-Known Member
If they are 2.5 months old...then he's got a soil problem and needs to get some proper soil. My plants are 2 months old are are 2' got a BIG problem.


Well-Known Member
Need more info man.
What's your temps look like?
what kind of soil is that?
did you add anything to the soil for aeration?
what has your watering schedule been?
what kind of lights are you using? looks like incandescent bulbs (very yellow). im gonna give you the benefit of doubt and guess they are cfl's.

From what I can tell, it looks like bad soil to start with. don't see much perlite in there, and you should have a bit. i mix 1/3 perlite into the soil before i plant. helps with drainage and aeration. Next up, those big pots are too large for small plants. they can't possibly drink anywhere near as much water as the soil could hold. At that size mine would still be growing in plastic cups. try to let it dry out between waterings.

I noticed they are dying from bottom to top. leaves are yellowing and falling off? I've found that to be a symptom of heat stress more than anything. sometimes root rot too, or a mixture of both. PH issues can cause similar issues as well. If it is way off for too long, you get nutrient lockouts that take FOREVER to get better. Depending on where you live, rainwater may not be that great. better than the tap, but it can contain all kinds of contaminants itself.

If those are cfl lights:
A note about your lights- those metal reflectors aren't that great. CFL bulbs don't NEED reflectors, as the intensity of the light fails after a few inches. those metal reflectors actually absorb what little heat the bulbs and ballasts eminate. I would recommend removing the metal reflectors and getting the actual bulbs with 2-3 inches of the plants. just remove the reflectors. the fixture is far more mobile without them anyway.

This looks very similar to my very first grow a looooong time ago. I had 99 problems at once, and a very slim survival rate. Mostly due to not understanding my own setup fully.

Please post as much info as you can, and everyone here will try their best to help you get your plants to topple themselves over with budses.


Active Member
lets see i have my grow box in a outside biulding and it get hot in their.the box gets about 95 dagreas f. the soil i used potting soil with potting mix and perlight i may not put enugh in it.oh ware is a good place to get nutes.and ph up and ph down.


Well-Known Member
this is some unrepairable stuff right here. sorry to say that but i would get rid off those poor bastards and start everything all over again. proper set up, good soil, decent seeds etc..


Well-Known Member
okay, here's the deal. temps over 90 aren't gonna cut it. you should be around 75-80. at 85 and up plants start to get upset. warm temps seem to help root rot get started too. i've had plants "stalled" for weeks before i reconfigured my temps. they just don't grow, the soil sorta spoils too. it just stays wet and gets all compacted, and im sure ugly meanies start growing in warm moist soil too.

You're pictures illustrate a fairly obvious heat issue. Many other problems are most likely developing because of the heat, but treat the heat first. DO NOT ADD NUTRIENTS or FERTILIZER to those plants. they are young and delicate, and sick. you could try a bit of superthrive if u like those tonic deals, but i would personally keep em on water till they get better.

Try spraying them down with a fine mist of plain water a few times a day to keep them moist and help cool them down, but try not to get the soil too wet while you do, as you want it to dry out.