Well-Known Member
If you are asking if it's worth to for example get a chiller just to run a couple of degrees lower (than normal/acceptable) to increase the DO ability than no I don't think so. I have a chiller but it turns on only a couple of times per light on period and only during he first couple of weeks, i.e. till the canopy closes and the hps no longer heats up the rez. It's to prevent extremes, not to keep it as low as possible. Only a small amount of oxygen is actually needed to keep the water and the roots healthy. A much larger fraction from the recommended DO level (for a particular crop) is needed for the plant itself to produce properly. What it comes down to, is that you only need to refresh the oxygen faster than it depletes, which is doable at a wide range of temps. So while the colder water may be able to hold a little more oxygen, in practice enough is enough.The lower the temp down to freezing the DO ability keeps increasing. Do you think there are any benefits to running a colder (within reason) reservoir?
I run less than 1.0EC from start to finish in NFT, a little more on hempy, coco, dwc.
Heath posted some good info in these forum, his posts were amongst the first I started reading at rollitup, it all went downhill after that