Peanutbutter and Vicodin Sammiches


Well-Known Member
So, I totally dislocated my ankle on Tuesday, during Western Addiction's set at the Hemlock. Fucking bummer. Some cranked out metalhead with a purple bandanna, and steeltoes wrecked my shit about 5 songs in so now I'm stuck on crutches. The guy had a seriously long ponytail, too. Disturbing.

I guess what I'm asking is, it's safe to snort vicodin right?


Well-Known Member
Let's make this interactive. What's your worse/best concert injury? I wanna say mine was a head injury at a Smut Peddlers show. Got thrown into a post and needed a shitload of stiches in my forehead. Getting gouged in the leg with a dirty needle during an LOC set is probably my second worse/best.


Well-Known Member
Once, at a warehouse rave in LA, one of the rooms (the happy hardcore room...don't judge) had WAY too many speakers for such a tiny room...Just BLASTED my skull...Hear a ringing to this day, like 14 years later...Like, when I exited the room, my ears were ringing, and it never went away.

I'm deaf, bitches.