Empirical proof that I am indeed George Manuel Oliveira!

I find it crazy the second coming has the same license as me, and I'm paying for his medications tricking him into thinking he's George Oliveira

No, I could possibly be the "First Coming" of Christ, because no one can empirically prove another Christ existed!

Or maybe I am the "First Cumming"?

Anyone with $5 and access to the internet can cross ref this info and have your home address in seconds. Jesus christ.....

I know I worry about him. But if you have nothing to lose it somewhat mitigates the risk, I suppose? Still this is proof of impaired judgment and insight. Still, I just don't understand why trolls would be so gratuitously mean to another person's suffering. Living mentally out of phase with the current reality is painfully dysphoric and alienating, one can only hope the trolls get a chance to walk a mile in his moccasins.

So what do you do? I feel badly for George and hope he is ok. Then again if you believe in the Christ 1.0 stories he had some lapses in judgement as well, ah well, what do you do, least restrictive environment and all.

Thanks Obama!
I think they talk about breaking apart the h2o molecule I know water can catch fire at the right temps. so when hydrogen and oxygen split it goes back to gas back to the atmosphere and becomes water again. The cycle repeats. This is not really new idea it has just been shelved because its not in the best interest of the elite few that want to control everything.
I think they talk about breaking apart the h2o molecule I know water can catch fire at the right temps. so when hydrogen and oxygen split it goes back to gas back to the atmosphere and becomes water again. The cycle repeats. This is not really new idea it has just been shelved because its not in the best interest of the elite few that want to control everything.


Most money is made when there is no longer investment in a dying infrastructure, so make hay while the sun shines. Unfortunately doing it at the cost of the planet seems wildly counter productive but we all know I'm nuts LOL

Most money is made when there is no longer investment in a dying infrastructure, so make hay while the sun shines. Unfortunately doing it at the cost of the planet seems wildly counter productive but we all know I'm nuts LOL
They will not change anything that messes with their way of life. Its going to take real people that don't care about money. People that refuse to be bought out. People that will bring the technology to the public and make it known for free. If you hide behind a veil of secrecy and do it in private you get either snuffed out of bought out. and your project gets shelved.
I think they talk about breaking apart the h2o molecule I know water can catch fire at the right temps. so when hydrogen and oxygen split it goes back to gas back to the atmosphere and becomes water again. The cycle repeats. This is not really new idea it has just been shelved because its not in the best interest of the elite few that want to control everything.

Yes, this process is known as electrolysis.

Electrolysis is when you take (salty) water, and pass electricity through the (salty) water: then the hydrogen and oxygen atoms split, and they are left in their gas state.

If I am not mistaken, I believe the hydrogen forms on one electrode, and the oxygen forms on the other electrode. This means that you can harvest the hydrogen and oxygen seperatly.

Hydrogen and oxygen are a great fuel for combustion, and there is NO EMISSIONS besides water. This means that if every combustion vehicle was fueled by liquid hydrogen, there would be NO POLLUTION.

When I first thought about a fuel for My SPACE JETS, I thought about fueling them with liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, to fly through the air, rocket through outer space, and to "swim" through the water. But, I believe this fuel would soon become obsolete, because we are going to have vehicles that are powered by nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is about 1 million times more efficienct compared to chemical fuels. Nuclear fusion can also be powered by ocean water too, so basically we have an infinite amount of fuel for nuclear fusion.

I would build thousands of nuclear fusion power plants all across the globe, until power was FREE! Nuclear fusion will be like a special gift to mankind.

Yes, the ocean will power our future needs for millions of years, if not much longer.

And if power was free, you could buy your own electrolysis machine, and you could create your own FREE liquid hydrogen for your vehicle. But, I am sure that in the (distant) future, every vehicle will be powered by nuclear fusion, if I had My way.

In My Kingdom, power will be free, fuel will be free, clean water will be free, electricity will be free, hydrogen will be free, food will be free, clothes will be free, etc., etc..

@tyler.durden Kind of fucking rude don't you think. Perhaps you don't think things through.

Yes, I would have to agree that I am often rude toward George. I feel that he earns it. I think George is quite rude, delusional, offensive, arrogant and a bully. He constantly lets others know how he is special, and how they are not. He is disrespectful of others beliefs (especially christianity) and puts down their religion while touting his own. He consistently hijacks others' threads that have nothing to do with his dogma, and incessantly spams the same shit over and over again. He has been told multiple times by mods to cease this behavior, but simply ignores them. When corrected on the erroneous shit he posts, he ignores that information as well, and just keeps on spamming like he never read the correction. I've been putting up with him for a couple of years now, and we've gone back and forth addressing the same issues. I believe that one of the main reasons his delusions are so intense is that people let him slide on his shit, treating him with kid gloves, perhaps it makes them feel like a compassionate caregiver. If everyone called him on his shit, maybe he'd have the chance to break his delusions and curb his behavior. At the very least, maybe he'd stop bullying and spamming. So, when I post to George as I do, these are the reasons behind it, and I've certainly thought it through...
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.......snip......... If everyone called him on his shit, maybe he'd have the chance to break his delusions and curb his behavior. At the very least, maybe he'd stop bullying and spamming. So, when I post to George as I do, these are the reasons behind it, and I've certainly thought it through...

Schizophrenia is not a choice and it's not curable by force of will, sadly, no matter how often society attempts to re-orient the schizophrenic individual to the dominant reality it doesn't work. The current treatments are still relatively crude, with life altering side effects.

Worse as schizophrenics experience, 'being called on their shit', by those in the dominant reality it usually drives them into isolation because they feel the anger and dislike and feel the brunt of their inability to share that reality. This fuels paranoidal ideation which does not end well for them, or society, as a whole.

In the therapeutic milieu they are re-oriented to the dominant reality, in a nice manner, that's all I'm suggesting really, showing some kindness to someone who can't completely share the currently agreed upon reality.

Anyway thank you for talking and thinking about what you say and do, I respect that.