How To Become a LP: a MMPR thread


Well-Known Member
there are no other answers other then stupid ones when the guy saying them is an idiot
You are really good at arguing. You'll make a great lawyer someday. Just need to work on your grammar a bit. You have some anger issues too, might wanna figure that out. can you call people dumb fucks in a court room?

You just proved that you will in fact fail as an lp. You just turned your back on potential customers, hence I didn't use the term patients, because we weren't all like "thank you dkane, save us from the MMPR with your 40% THC meds that you clearly know nothing about".


Well-Known Member
Ahhhhhh shit am I in time to make the list. Fuck LP's lmfao. Remember schemer not dreamer!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Every prescription requires some extent of verification. As for the shortage of supply, this is a new industry and with it comes a process, a lengthy one. We aren't in the days when cocaine was legally prescribed. we've learned from our mistakes and its brought us here. Being extra extra careful. I know many pharmaceutical company that run test on their patients, is that serious question? Though WHATFG I hope as your first impulse told you you can direct these comments towards the MMPR small grow op thread as it is more suited there. As stated in the first post this is not a place to debate the ethicacy or validity of the MMPR it is here for those who have questions regarding attaining a license
The problem is that this is a plant, not a pharmaceutical. As a plant, it should be regulated under the Natural Health Product Regulations. In these regulations, there is a GRAS (generally regarded as safe) designation. By all definitions, Cannabis should be considered a GRAS NHP (pun intended).

There is still a requirement for QA and standardization (much of which was copied verbatim in the MMPR), but it is different than a pharmaceutical.

HC is really more interested in where you are going to place you cameras, how thick your vault wall is, and how deep your pockets are than quality.

Now for my conspiracy rant. The current system is really built to 1) put pot production into the hands of large corporations, and 2) ensure the price remains high.

Really, it should all just be moved outside where we could produce it for $1/g just like any other natural health product that passes the exact same QA requirements.


Well-Known Member
I was going to walk away from this arguement thread til i just saw i was added to the list after saying no need to add me to the list so i will give people new to the convo my idea on how to start an lp.

Step one.... Know sweet fuk all about mj and or how to grow it.

Step two... Befriend someone at health canada
And promise a wink wink donation to an electoral candidate.

Step three... Have a general distain for sick people and hope to profit off their sick asses.

Step four... Maintain the dream that full legalization happens so rec users can buy your milled shake and stems

Good luck sucking cash out of sick people.
Negative enough for ya

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
I was going to walk away from this arguement thread til i just saw i was added to the list after saying no need to add me to the list so i will give people new to the convo my idea on how to start an lp.

Step one.... Know sweet fuk all about mj and or how to grow it.

Step two... Befriend someone at health canada
And promise a wink wink donation to an electoral candidate.

Step three... Have a general distain for sick people and hope to profit off their sick asses.

Step four... Maintain the dream that full legalization happens so rec users can buy your milled shake and stems

Good luck sucking cash out of sick people.
Negative enough for ya
The list maker took his ball and went home...


Active Member
Hi Mj,
did you receive a build out letter? Just curious I am hearing a nasty rumour they are not issuing them anymore.



Well-Known Member
listen enough with ur assumptions bro that all your good for. Probably this maybe that woulda coulda shoulda. Your straight up an idiot to think you need min 5 mil. there are plenty of current LP's tht have less invested Go read a book for real I think these guys are getting to you. But I'm not going to do you the honor of putting you on some list that is no longer relevant to me. I know shed a tear you didn't get the recognition you sought on RUI, boo hoo. And to paraphrase your own words. You cus me out and then expect me to bend over. That what stevie thought you bum. The overall atiitudes of RUI members( the ones Ive tried to pinpoint) have showed me that this place is good for nothing, except for catching some picks of buds. This will be my last post or visit to RUI other then to maintain some relationships with people I have been PM'ing so point your hate to me at your buddies there are plenty of them here. I've quickly come to learn that alot of people that make up this site are bitter broke bitches that need weed sold @50cents a gram because thats all they can swing. They lack general understanding of how law society and many others things functions and its led to skewed opinions and endless rants about why there opinion should be considered fact. So goodbye you dumbfucks win, you can have this site to yourself, I feel almost stupid for having indulged your opinions for so long when they are actually so shit lol okay well im sure this paragraph wil help feed your conversation for the next hour bout how stupid I am and so forth. Im glad I can be of service but you should be asking yourself why. Do you really have that little do? Im guessing yes since this is a hasbeen venue.
you're a law student with spelling and grammar like that?? switching from real spelling to text speak & getting your "your, you're" mixed up? how are your classes going?...genius
don't come across as such an ass & maybe people would be willing to talk to you....maybe discuss but when you go on rants with insults, name calling as well as being condescending...well who would WANT to talk to you reasonably?

P Dubbz

New Member
Hello Everyone. I have been reading the threads and trying to find some peer groups to asks some questions with and see where everyone was at. If I can, maybe I will even add something to the conversation. I just joined this site today; I don't even have a clever pic yet. I will get one.

I am a long time patient, grower, and owner of a company in process with HC for an LP license.
For the most part, we have kept are head down and plugged away at trying to get things in line for the future.

I have seen that there is some hostility towards the LPs and other stuff going on....I am not into that, I just want whats best for patients, tokers,stakeholders and all Canadians. And by giving these ( Canadian) LP licenses to American ran/owned publicly traded companies, especially where and how they grow; the costs are going to sky rocket and the quality plummet.

There is ways of keeping the costs down and quality high for people. Its a matter of planning properly. We would be happy as hell with $5 to $7 per gram.....delivered. I think that is fair for everyone in the end. Patients could get a good quality product at a fair price. We have a unique property/ location in that is very efficient; we don't need air conditioning, barely heat, free and good water with no neighbours. We can produce very efficiently.

These publicly traded companies that want to raise the prices to $14 and $16 because of their greed, inefficiencies and terrible planning is disgusting; These are the companies on their expansion licenses already. Getting pushed ahead in the line?

We are in the top 50 first companies to get our application in, and we have been in the security check phase for over a year now.

I have a number of HC files that I requested through the access to information branch; these files provide evidence of questionable conduct, favoritism and a lack of say the least......

If anyone wants these files or has ideas on where I could post them for more to see, please let me know.
Lets get rid of these publicly traded and foreign companies from our industry. The price is too much. Period.

Sorry for the long post....rookie.

P Dubbz


Well-Known Member
@P Dubbz
Most of the hostility comes from the fact that this is mostly a growers community and 80% of the people on here want the right to grow their own which would keep their costs to $1 a gram.
While i think that lps have a place for rec users and people that arent able to grow their own its the price point that isnt going to win you any fans.
You say your shooting for 5-7 a gram which is cheaper than most lps however it still keeps the cost to high for most "patients."
The majority of legit patients arent working fulltime and are on a very limited incomes.
So if a patient has a 5gram a day script with your proposed lp plan it will cost said patient.....$750-$1050 a month. No chance a patient would order their full script each month and still remain sheltered and fed.
Most of the lps have learnt this the hard way but the system was designed to fail from the get go and im sorry that hc has strung you along for the ride.
The process they expect you or anyone else to follow will never allow for reasonable access.


Well-Known Member
Welcome, I would love to see the files you have. Don't let the haters get to you, they should be along anytime now.

No AC? No Co2? image.jpg

If you could forward me the files @ I would be most appreciative.
