Club 600


Well-Known Member
shhhhh..... I'm hunting bitches.

hahahaha reminds me of a Russian guy I sat next to once. I was talking about beaches in southern California. He thought I said bitches. Starts putting his hands in front of his chest saying "beaches"... Meaning bitches. The only other thing I understood from him was that he was racist as shit.


Well-Known Member
shhhhh..... I'm hunting bitches.

hahahaha reminds me of a Russian guy I sat next to once. I was talking about beaches in southern California. He thought I said bitches. Starts putting his hands in front of his chest saying "beaches"... Meaning bitches. The only other thing I understood from him was that he was racist as shit.
I watched a social experiment video called what would the world be like without black people? It showed how we all have prejudice in us but, its how we act on those thoughts that really matters.


Well-Known Member
Hey Alpha, I have popped a few small seeds before and they usually do great as long as they developed long enough, those look good to me, but hell I have not been at it long.

On another note we may be getting another 8-14" of snow this weekend, my truck is leaking oil so the neighbors are on their own, see how long it takes the city to plow it for them hehe. Sorry that sounded evil, but I have been plowing my street for free so the wife can get off the block for like 16 years, now that i can't do it profesionaly anymore due to my knees being wrecked, but I was still trying to help the neighbors out. That was until last storm, this renter comes down after stalking me all day (never got out before the misses and I got done with a round of shoveling/plowing) Keep in mind I dont know him from a hole in the wall. "hey if I move my car, you wana clear my parking spot." I said, "no, not really" and he comes back with "O it's like that" WTF does that even mean. Then the other neighbor low balled me at $30, I told him for that you get 2 pushes out the drive. He starts whineing at me that his wife needs to get out to go to work. Im thinking it's 15+ inches dude, you should have got off the couch the day before, i am not breaking my truck for you. He's even one of the few that know I got run over by my truck. The majority of the neighbors through us a few bucks a storm to help pay for fuel but these guys f-off dudes. I never did the whole road, my dead end yeah but I would open the road a car length so people can go to work without getting stuck. Okay rant over thanks for listening, you know I love ya 600'ers. Peace MD.
Thanks moondance - And screw them! I hate users. Always wanting something for free with out even a thank you. Too many of them out there brother, don't let em push ya around

curious old fart

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
AP, re your seed size post. Just ask COF what the Herijuana and their subsequent offspring seeds are like (practically the size of tomato seeds). Saying that, most breeders I have earwigged into tend to go for those fat plump seeds. Some peeps contact BB insisting on phat brown stripey mofos (look at me, ph instead of F, I am fukkin rad, I don't even use a ph pen!) And saying that again, some of the bombest OG seeds are more silver coloured than phat and brown.....It's very much strain dependant from what I have seen. Straight as a fart...thank god for>>> (desperately embedding UB40 Red Red wine)
fuk me, try to embed a youtube video from an Africa youtube site....nah, aint happening. Anyway, just imagine I have added the Red Red Wine song....listen to any version you fancy. 72 hours without THC...:)


Well-Known Member
AP, re your seed size post. Just ask COF what the Herijuana and their subsequent offspring seeds are like (practically the size of tomato seeds). Saying that, most breeders I have earwigged into tend to go for those fat plump seeds. Some peeps contact BB insisting on phat brown stripey mofos (look at me, ph instead of F, I am fukkin rad, I don't even use a ph pen!) And saying that again, some of the bombest OG seeds are more silver coloured than phat and brown.....It's very much strain dependant from what I have seen. Straight as a fart...thank god for>>> (desperately embedding UB40 Red Red wine)
fuk me, try to embed a youtube video from an Africa youtube site....nah, aint happening. Anyway, just imagine I have added the Red Red Wine song....listen to any version you fancy. 72 hours without THC...:)
What, you mean you didn't find the most legendary African strains growing in massive fields and make a video documenting the discovery. I thought that was standard procedure.