Club 600


Well-Known Member
it's people like this that give credence to the saying the smoking mj will make you stupid.......

Pair of paranoid pot traffickers call 911 to turn themselves in... then wait on street with dog cage containing 20 pounds of marijuana until cops arrive

Idaho police found Leland Ryan Kaimipono Ayala-Doliente, 21, and Craig Sward Holland, 22, standing outside their car with a dog cage holding $16,000 worth of weed.
omg someone slap them..

@AlphaPhase nice spear heads...


Well-Known Member
Only if you go up East, or to Swaziland. You can get bankies (called bankies because you get about a 1/2 oz to an oz stuffed in a coin bank bag) here for around a 100 ZAR (about 8GBP) but it's seeded monkey matting imo. I get brownie points from the wife for not stinking of weed as well:). Yes, we all smell of weed, and we don't even know it!


Well-Known Member
AP, re your seed size post. Just ask COF what the Herijuana and their subsequent offspring seeds are like (practically the size of tomato seeds). Saying that, most breeders I have earwigged into tend to go for those fat plump seeds. Some peeps contact BB insisting on phat brown stripey mofos (look at me, ph instead of F, I am fukkin rad, I don't even use a ph pen!) And saying that again, some of the bombest OG seeds are more silver coloured than phat and brown.....It's very much strain dependant from what I have seen. Straight as a fart...thank god for>>> (desperately embedding UB40 Red Red wine)
fuk me, try to embed a youtube video from an Africa youtube site....nah, aint happening. Anyway, just imagine I have added the Red Red Wine song....listen to any version you fancy. 72 hours without THC...:)
Right on brother, I've seen so many shapes and sizes/ colors of seeds and they're all so different. Many of my best grows came from real tiny seeds but it seems the big fat seeds sprout quicker for some reason. I wonder if it's a sativa dominant thing to have small seeds since the calyxs are smaller maybe. I dunno lol, I was drinking some beer and looking at my seed stach like hmmmm, there's gotta be something to this :p 72 hrs with out smoking, man oh man, I'll smoke one for you and send smoke signals


Well-Known Member
it's people like this that give credence to the saying the smoking mj will make you stupid.......

Pair of paranoid pot traffickers call 911 to turn themselves in... then wait on street with dog cage containing 20 pounds of marijuana until cops arrive

Idaho police found Leland Ryan Kaimipono Ayala-Doliente, 21, and Craig Sward Holland, 22, standing outside their car with a dog cage holding $16,000 worth of weed.

They are the dumbest mother fuckers I ever heard of. really call the cops. They deserve what they get. Dumb and Dumbest.


Well-Known Member
Doc I found 6 diff size seeds. I am gonna scope them and find an od ball color. those will be grown. you will have to help me sort them but I am gonna pop the diff ones. Screw the norm. Really I am not normal and I lok for the weird and bizarre. What is know is we dont know shit. We are learning and having fun. So 600 cheers to having fun. Love you all and hope you all are pain free and high.


Well-Known Member
omg those knuckleheads turning themselves in... OWN GOAL lol.

Sure the weed made them paranoid but their idiot logic decided turning themselves in was the solution.


Well-Known Member
Nice buds doc! I'm hoping my sour cherry pulls through, I'm rooting for the little tyke. The extrema is kicking butt though soiI'm happy about that. 8-)
I realized I can skip the paper bag step and go straight to jars, so curing begins :D I ran out of jars though so I had to zip loc some :(View attachment 3345243View attachment 3345244
I see you got my samples ready there for me ;) lol