Everyday Stickies and Bookmarks


New Member
hello everybody first post! I just wanted to start this off by saying thanks to everybody that takes the time to post threads that help us newbies catch up to speed it's much apreciated. I'm 19 years old and recently graduated high-school and getting ready to go to Oaksterdam college in Colorado to get some hands on experience growing cannabis and to start a career in the field . I was always under the impression that growing cannabis would be easy, but the more and more I look into it I see that it's a science in and of itself. Finding the VERY BEST and up to date info can be hard to find, and if it is good info it can be hard for a beginner to understand the lingo and terms. Being as it is my first post I thought i may as well use my first post to help as best as I could, and start a thread where everybody posts their stickies and bookmarks that they use on a regular basis! thanks again to everybody that takes the time out of their day to help us noobs XD I know it can be annoying sometimes but we mean the best!
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A little outdated on some of the info... but I probably owe more than I care to admit to that site..

A couple tips to the me starting a couple years ago..
1. Skip AN altogether.. It really is just a bunch of gimmicks.. Find a few growers you respect and ask what they use.
2. No need for humidifiers or heaters unless you're growing in an non-insulated barn in the winter or something i suppose.
3. Skip RO h2o.. unless your using well water (and some of that is perfect as well) you can probably use the tap with as good (i got better) results.. I spent way more money than I would care to admit fillin up my 5 gal jugs :wall:
4. Forget about even trying the auto freebies (unless you have some really good reason).
5. Don't waste your money on the HTG or CLW LEDs (A51 however is a beast!)

I'm sure there's more, and I know this isn't exactly what you were asking for, but hope it helps player!
hello everybody first post! I just wanted to start this off by saying thanks to everybody that takes the time to post threads that help us newbies catch up to speed it's much apreciated. I'm 19 years old and recently graduated high-school and getting ready to go to Oaksterdam college in Colorado to get some hands on experience growing cannabis and to start a career in the field . I was always under the impression that growing cannabis would be easy, but the more and more I look into it I see that it's a science in and of itself. Finding the VERY BEST and up to date info can be hard to find, and if it is good info it can be hard for a beginner to understand the lingo and terms. Being as it is my first post I thought i may as well use my first post to help as best as I could, and start a thread where everybody posts their stickies and bookmarks that they use on a regular basis! thanks again to everybody that takes the time out of their day to help us noobs XD I know it can be annoying sometimes but we mean the best!
if u want a mentore inbox me


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