True Airoponics


Well-Known Member
There is no spray, only air, and induction.

The plant uses atmospheric nitrogen gas. Didn't you even bother reading this thread? It's full of very useful information on how plants actually work.

Have you ever heard of anyone trying the spray method from clone to harvest? What I am asking is you know anyone who has tried DWC along
with adding a spray system/method like the cloners use.


Well-Known Member
I bet that if you would have played the guitar to your plants, they would have yeilded more.
Like this, but Metallica prob not a good choice:
Dancing to them while playing the guitar would be even better for sure;-) like this:


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I can beat the coolness of the rubber legs guy, that dudes on a whole other level, but I used to play guitar hero and I took that shit seriously lol. 100% on "i love rock and roll" 9 times out of 10. ( I play a little guitar but I suck now because my hands don't work like they used to) so all I have now is a fender acoustic with a broken D string lol


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I can beat the coolness of the rubber legs guy, that dudes on a whole other level, but I used to play guitar hero and I took that shit seriously lol. 100% on "i love rock and roll" 9 times out of 10. ( I play a little guitar but I suck now because my hands don't work like they used to) so all I have now is a fender acoustic with a broken D string lol
My daughter fucking tore shit up at guitar hero. I'm alright myself.
Rock band is where it's at;-) IMO
I have so many killer songs i paid for in rock band. I'm gonna have to get that out of storage next time the band is back together:-D


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah! Rock band kicks ass too. My buddy had Rocksmith which was pretty cool but a lot harder, but once you get the hang of it it kicked ass! Man I need a gaming system again


Active Member
So if I understand correctly, this is like what they use to clean dust out of factory exhaust by charging the stack and a wire in the middle.

Except the stack is water/nutes and the wire is the plant.

With the exception that nitrogen isn't able to be provided in high enough amounts so then a bacteria is used to colonize the plant and fixate it directly from the air?

Why isn't your stuff all dusty then? ANY charged particles should stick to the plant too.


Well-Known Member
Good questions, thanks, finally a serious reply.

Why isn't your stuff all dusty then? ANY charged particles should stick to the plant too.
High pressure air + ioniser + relay. The fixation occurs in bursts not continously.

I will post an update when it's about ready for harvest, done with the trolls trolling up my thread.


Well-Known Member
I would like to see this threw the whole grow but understand there's alway closed minded people that would rather doubt then accept and belive new things g/l with the grow

thump easy

Well-Known Member
Have you ever heard of anyone trying the spray method from clone to harvest? What I am asking is you know anyone who has tried DWC along
with adding a spray system/method like the cloners use.
yes it sucks i got the same results aroe flow wich is a lil areo and alot of dwc with misters to tell you the truth same results i drilled into my chambers then had to hypoxy the hole back just to much matance

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
^^Dude doesn't know what makes a plant tick.

Another project I can share a little more about is "Lightless growing, the next step after LED." It's inspired by a recent thread called Light???? Which got me thinking, maybe the light deal is a myth too. Got to remain skeptical. Turns out, light is a not a myth.

But it did led to lightless growing. Which is in fact more like less-light growing, It involves transgenesis to breed dna from bacteria into cannabis that can perform the chemical photosynthesis process using less artificial light. It's again particularly aimed at organic growers, but also led growers who want to reduce the w in gpw.

Organic light booster:
Light may yet be a myth.
"Plants rely on photoreceptors to trigger various stages of growth. Everything from germination, to leaf production, to flowering is triggered by photoreceptors. Most plants use a molecule called phytochromobilin that changes its shape when exposed to light. This is what triggers the biochemical cascade that leads to plant growth, and scientists have managed to short circuit this mechanism.

By feeding plants with a synthetic compound called 15Ea-phycocyanobilin, they were able to make the plants behave as if they had been exposed to light. Essentially, the 15Ea-phycocyanobilin displaces the naturally occurring photoreactive phytochromobilin in the photoreceptors. It’s a little like wiring a car’s throttle wide open.

When these plants were placed in the dark, it was discovered that they continued to develop as if they were in sunlight."