my quest for seeds

black jesus

Well-Known Member
Ok so now I'm stuck..... So Im germing 1 blueberry headband fem seed and 2 afghani reg seeds.... There's a chance that I get fem plants from the afghani or even my plan is to get seeds. Do you think I should use the pollen from the sprayed bbhb on the afghani if I get a female. Or afghani pollen on bbhb....this would make crazy mixes...


Well-Known Member
I guess if I want fem seed I would have to get rid of any males..and spray the females....
In my breeding experience, its easier to retain/isolate dominant traits from a maternal genetic parent than a paternal parent.... May not be scientifically accurate, but its an observational case point that I personally think is very valid.

Select the "better" female to be the "mother" and give it pollen from the other...

black jesus

Well-Known Member
Ok...cus what I'm looking for is the blueberry taste with a head high....makes my think of just inbreeding... At least I know what I'll get

black jesus

Well-Known Member
ok so my quest is getting harder...of the 3 seeds i germed. 1 never cracked and the grew but was stuck in its shell i couldnt even get it off. so i have a afghani seedling. i germed another bbhb a the free seed i got which is a dinafem white just waiting

black jesus

Well-Known Member
ok update on the seed. they all have came since last night. i did a lil research and it seem as if i didn't have enough humidity. so i cut a few bottle s and place over the seeds/seedlings and turned off the lil i see a 200% improvement even in the seedling that was already up and out. lot of new growth....i just didnt have this problems last time but im guessing because last time i actually used a real closet with carpet and everything so the temps were higher. wonder how log would i have to keep the domes on


Well-Known Member
I just crossed Afghani #1 x Blueberry. It was just a random Blueberry male plant, so there was no selection. I pollinated one branch on the Afghani and got about 60 seeds, and by the looks of them, 1/2 appear to be viable. I absolutely love the head-high and total smoothness of the Blueberry (in the bong and vape), and the immediate hit I get from the Afghani (it makes me laugh and relax), so hopefully these new seeds provide a bit of both.

I kind of gave up on the fem seed thing to be honest. I actually prefer to clone them out (male and female) and then pick and choose. I'm building up such a seed reserve that I don't have much interest in feminized anymore.

I'll be germinating some of these crossed seeds tomorrow.


black jesus

Well-Known Member
damping off whats that....all i know is i see some results...i think next time i going to rig a couple cfls in a 5 gallon bucket the lid. that would cause a lot of humidity and i can put a meter in there to watch it

black jesus

Well-Known Member
lol me and my girl have been trying to watch black list....i can only get 1 show out out her a day she works 60 hours a weeek