Why should anyone believe in Jesus, God, your religion, etc.?

They are all saying the same story gentlemen.
Here is the Oh so mystic tarot deck, decoded.
Read those stories again, for a picture is worth a thousand words.​
tarotwheel small.png

, Birth ~ The Chariot, The Crib ~ The Sun, “Kid”, young goat ~ The Lovers, Puppy love, attraction of opposites, separation of sexes. ~ The Moon, Ovulation/Maturity ~ The Star, Out with old sign, in with the new sign. ~ The Hierophant, Showing new and true sign/spirit animal ~ The Tower, the reckoning, mistakes catching up with you ~ The Emperor, Ascension/Adulthood ~ The Devil, Temptation for Power ~ The Empress, Temptation for Lust ~ Temperance, Taming the beast within. ~ The High Priestess, Marriage of souls ~ Death, Fading of old life into new life ~ The Magician, One man becoming 2 through magic of childbirth. ~ Justice, Man behind the curtain, the veiled threat. ~ The Fool, Man balancing unknowingly, before Justice’s (L)edged blade. No know-ledge ~ Wheel Of Fortune, trials ans tribulations of life. ~ The Hermit, knower of hermetic wisdom. Knowledge ~ The World, Becoming one with the Earth. ~ Strength, gained through union of Man and Beast. ~ Judgement, Death ~ The Chariot, The Crypt/Ferry​

52 lesser cards are for the 52 weeks of the year. 13 cards in each suit, 13 weeks in each season. 4 suits for 4 seasons​

A Never-ending Story with 24 steps out of 22 cards. 2 pents for the Boatman Pents02.jpg
They are all saying the same story gentlemen.
Here is the Oh so mystic tarot deck, decoded.
Read those stories again, for a picture is worth a thousand words.​
View attachment 3347512
Judgement, Birth ~ The Chariot, The Crib ~ The Sun, “Kid”, young goat ~ The Lovers, Puppy love, attraction of opposites, separation of sexes. ~ The Moon, Ovulation/Maturity ~ The Star, Out with old sign, in with the new sign. ~ The Hierophant, Showing new and true sign/spirit animal ~ The Tower, the reckoning, mistakes catching up with you ~ The Emperor, Ascension/Adulthood ~ The Devil, Temptation for Power ~ The Empress, Temptation for Lust ~ Temperance, Taming the beast within. ~ The High Priestess, Marriage of souls ~ Death, Fading of old life into new life ~ The Magician, One man becoming 2 through magic of childbirth. ~ Justice, Man behind the curtain, the veiled threat. ~ The Fool, Man balancing unknowingly, before Justice’s (L)edged blade. No know-ledge ~ Wheel Of Fortune, trials ans tribulations of life. ~ The Hermit, knower of hermetic wisdom. Knowledge ~ The World, Becoming one with the Earth. ~ Strength, gained through union of Man and Beast. ~ Judgement, Death ~ The Chariot, The Crypt/Ferry​

52 lesser cards are for the 52 weeks of the year. 13 cards in each suit, 13 weeks in each season. 4 suits for 4 seasons​

A Never-ending Story with 24 steps out of 22 cards. 2 pents for the Boatman View attachment 3347510
The hermit, Knower of hermetic wisdom, how rarely people associate that with the hermit.
Let me take you up to the mountaintop and back down again via ~Moses~

The Story Of The Ten Commandments

The Israelites travel with Moses up to the Mountain. THE CHARIOT

Moses leaves the Israelites for 40 days with a Golden Calf. THE SUN

At the Mountain top Moses gains the Ten Commandments through a burning bush. THE LOVERS

1. I am the true God (Amun-Ra~ Sun Moon Earth) ~ THE MOON

2. Before me, other Gods you shall have not ~ THE STAR

3. To vanity you shall take not ~ THE HEIROPHANT

4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy ~ THE TOWER

5. Honor Thy Mother and Father ~ THE EMPEROR

6. You shall murder not ~ THE DEVIL

7. You shall not commit Adultery ~ THE EMPRESS

8. You shall not steal ~ TEMPERANCE

9. You shall not bear false witness ~ THE HIGH PRIESTESS

10. The House of your neighbor you shall not covet ~ DEATH
10 Commandments.png
The prophets including Siddhartha were simply philosopher's; like Plato they achieved the height of heights. The Roman Empire did not embrace Jesus they crucified him, and the Pilate washed his hands and sealed his fate Rolling Stones, ultimately sealed the fate of the Roman Empire and the Jews got the blame for everything. What the Romans embraced was what the four men assigned by Constantine to write the gospels wrote by contorting the word of Jesus to mean different things.
"Do not start a religion after me" JC
"Now is the time for humanity to abandon religion" The Dali Lama

One thing I do see is great wisdom and truth in the words of the prophets of each religion, it takes a perceptive reader to decipher the wisdom of the prophets.

The Roman Empire did not embrace JC, they embraced his philosophy hundreds of years after they put him to death. They did this because they could not stop the spread of Christianity and saw they could use it.

"Do not start a religion after me" - which verse are you referring to?

Jesus already believed in a religion at that point, of course he was Jewish. But what he did say is any prophet after my death is not a prophet of God and to take there words with a grain of salt, except for the remaining apostles, which only included John's revelation. Jesus taught everything that needed to be taught to humanity and put a stamp of authority on it.

Constantine did not have the remaining apostles write the gospels at one time for the New Test, they were written before, as we have Marks gospels dating over a hundred years before Constantines time. Constantine was not alive when the apostles where alive, i believe it was 200+ years later.

So I dont agree with your opinion on him having the apostles write the gospels as he saw fit.

And even if the scribes changed things for Constantine, they didnt write much to aide the Roman Empire, in fact it was the opposite, doesnt make much sense to me.

It was what they added after the process of compiling the Bible. The Christians were very involved with deciding which gospels and cannons were included, it was not all Constantine.
They are all saying the same story gentlemen.
Here is the Oh so mystic tarot deck, decoded.
Read those stories again, for a picture is worth a thousand words.​
View attachment 3347512
Judgement, Birth ~ The Chariot, The Crib ~ The Sun, “Kid”, young goat ~ The Lovers, Puppy love, attraction of opposites, separation of sexes. ~ The Moon, Ovulation/Maturity ~ The Star, Out with old sign, in with the new sign. ~ The Hierophant, Showing new and true sign/spirit animal ~ The Tower, the reckoning, mistakes catching up with you ~ The Emperor, Ascension/Adulthood ~ The Devil, Temptation for Power ~ The Empress, Temptation for Lust ~ Temperance, Taming the beast within. ~ The High Priestess, Marriage of souls ~ Death, Fading of old life into new life ~ The Magician, One man becoming 2 through magic of childbirth. ~ Justice, Man behind the curtain, the veiled threat. ~ The Fool, Man balancing unknowingly, before Justice’s (L)edged blade. No know-ledge ~ Wheel Of Fortune, trials ans tribulations of life. ~ The Hermit, knower of hermetic wisdom. Knowledge ~ The World, Becoming one with the Earth. ~ Strength, gained through union of Man and Beast. ~ Judgement, Death ~ The Chariot, The Crypt/Ferry​

52 lesser cards are for the 52 weeks of the year. 13 cards in each suit, 13 weeks in each season. 4 suits for 4 seasons​

A Never-ending Story with 24 steps out of 22 cards. 2 pents for the Boatman View attachment 3347510

I have seen you state this many times, well, the genesis story in different deliveries.

But what about post-genesis?

What exactly do you believe SureShot?
I have seen you state this many times, well, the genesis story in different deliveries.

But what about post-genesis?

What exactly do you believe SureShot?

I don't know that story, but if you will truly entertain the idea I will uncode it for you. Although, I am sure with an open mind you can find the starting point and just go from there. It's that easy. Remember that the calendar used to start in March. Know your cardinal signs. I have a few more images on my site that can help for a picture is a thousand words. And, there is much to be told. For it is a never-ending story!

Believe? Not much. This is what I know it's mathematical and verifiable. In fact, every one of these posts has been very different and each image took me hours of calculation/formation. Each revelation has just led to the next. I am relaying my work with a fellow researcher in the field. Santos Bonacci. Besides him and a few others, you people are some of the first to see this synchronisation in possible hundreds of years and still others for over a millennia. I understand your frustration and hesitation, no doubt. Actions of a wise man. Just try and discount one element of any of my depictions. For if they have error, I would be grateful at their revelation. If you are willing to listen to Santos for a bit he has many lectures devoted to cracking this. His 30 years of work were fundamental to my understanding. I have a few of his videos on my website or you can find them on YouTube. I would recommend his 2 part on Astrotheology personally.

Instead of sticking to beliefs how about simply entertaining ideas and gaining knowledge.

For instance, DId you know there is a rabbit in the moon? Perception is a matter of perspective.Bugs Bunny.jpg Moon.jpg Moon.jpg
Look again at the uncoded tarot deck. It is simply telling the story of one's life from womb to tomb. Starting at Chariot ending with Judgement Day. Although, more correctly starting at the end(Judgement) and ending at the start(Chariot). :)
Ok, i will spend a little time to peek into these ideas as I believe astrotheology has been around since perhaps the beginning.

Santo's lectures are available online somewhere?

I must ask, what is the source of the stories? mathmatics? or a source telling the stories with astrology?
Ok, i will spend a little time to peek into these ideas as I believe astrotheology has been around since perhaps the beginning.

Santo's lectures are available online somewhere?

I must ask, what is the source of the stories? mathmatics? or a source telling the stories with astrology?

Yes, you can find some here on my website. truthtokens.com/astrology or just go to Recent Articles. He references much literature and is fluent in Latin and other languages. Some of the literature is easy to find, others are very rare.
Mathematics are the base to everything. Even this alphabet with which we are communicating.
Yes, you can find some here on my website. truthtokens.com/astrology or just go to Recent Articles. He references much literature and is fluent in Latin and other languages. Some of the literature is easy to find, others are very rare.

Thank you, I will check it out, very interesting subject.
Mathematics are the base to everything. Even this alphabet with which we are communicating.

I agree that mathematics are the base to everything and also the base of astrology. But what is the source providing the laws associated with the mathematics? Does a story(mathematics) explain its origins?
Good question. There you will find the "Lord" of the manor. The father has left his "phi"nger print everywhere.
The Fibonacci ratio, is the Phi-Bonacci ratio. It is the source code for all carbon life forms. It is also the Mathematics of how Saturn keeps it's rings.
Called "Ring Homomorphism". In the alphabet it is represented by the letter Q. Which is the actual mark of the "FreeMason". The highly occult 33 degrees is no longer occult. A G @ 33 Degrees is a Q _ G=Q @33 and vice versa. The line in the Q is also where this compass zeros in at.Gyro-compass_hg.jpg SE

Without this, it would have been left unsolved!

You need this map


  • saturn-hexagon-bw.jpeg
    19.9 KB · Views: 1
The Roman Empire did not embrace JC, they embraced his philosophy hundreds of years after they put him to death. They did this because they could not stop the spread of Christianity and saw they could use it.

"Do not start a religion after me" - which verse are you referring to?

Jesus already believed in a religion at that point, of course he was Jewish. But what he did say is any prophet after my death is not a prophet of God and to take there words with a grain of salt, except for the remaining apostles, which only included John's revelation. Jesus taught everything that needed to be taught to humanity and put a stamp of authority on it.

Constantine did not have the remaining apostles write the gospels at one time for the New Test, they were written before, as we have Marks gospels dating over a hundred years before Constantines time. Constantine was not alive when the apostles where alive, i believe it was 200+ years later.

So I dont agree with your opinion on him having the apostles write the gospels as he saw fit.

And even if the scribes changed things for Constantine, they didnt write much to aide the Roman Empire, in fact it was the opposite, doesnt make much sense to me.

It was what they added after the process of compiling the Bible. The Christians were very involved with deciding which gospels and cannons were included, it was not all Constantine.
When he is speaking to the deciples in the gospel of John just before telling John or Peter was it that he would stay and wait until he comes again. Or no sorry that quote is a translation from the dead sea scrolls I saw in a documentary about the DaVinci code, I still have it home I won't be home till Wednesday I'll get back to you with the title. This is from the gospels however, "do not pray in the streets or in the synagogues for others to see, for men love to be seen praying" He also teaches not to worship false idols, which I imagine included himself.
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When he is speaking to the deciples in the gospel of John just before telling John or Peter was it that he would stay and wait until he comes again. Or no sorry that quote is a translation from the dead sea scrolls I saw in a documentary about the DaVinci code, I still have it home I won't be home till Wednesday I'll get back to you with the title. This is from the gospels however, "do not pray in the streets or in the synagogues for others to see, for men love to be seen praying" He also teaches not to worship false idols, which I imagine included himself.

There are many gospels that were not included in the Bible and for good reason: they are not consistent and many Christians at the time the Bible was put together did not feel they should be added. There was much nonsense written, as always, but we shouldnt acknowledge it, such as the gnostic gospels that scholars have found no credibility.

The dead sea scrolls are great because they showed us that other Jewish sects believed that the messiah had truly come and was the son of god during the time of JC. Also, the scrolls proved the Old Testiment was not changed in over 500 years, which is amazing.

Of course, this means nothing to those who dont believe the Bible was the end result of God's purpose.

The verse you refer to is Matthew 6:5 it reads this:
"When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.

"But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.…"

Are you saying this is support for the statement of not forming a religion after me? I disagree. This is telling the follower that the relationship with God is not a public affection, it is private, but this in no way is telling us not to preach. Jesus is condemning hypocrites those who make an ostentatious display of praying.

And your statement on worshipping false idols, is incorrect. To make that statement you would automatically have to discredit JC as God and therefor any statement made about worshipping false idols would have no authority.

Jesus DID change his religion and I see where your going with the idea. He wanted people to see that man was worshipping incorrectly and he came to SHOW mankind how to live. This is the beauty of it really, God gave up being god - something he asks of man: DO NOT TRY TO BE GOD. Something man has trouble not doing.

Without this, it would have been left unsolved!

Can you tell me more about this artifact? As i said before I love astrotheology and I'm very interested.

When did they date this piece to?

*Also, is mathematics modeled after time or infinity? More specifically, is there an origin?
Curious by what you ment in this statement? Crediting freemasonry as no longer being a occult reference?
Occult just means hidden. I'll have to put together a demonstration to fully explain the compass and square. Let me try, though. With a compass you draw a circle. Fold this circle in half and half again. Unfold, and you have the four corners. Fold in the sides, to form a perfect square. Fold corner to corner, unfold and repeat. Now, you can unfold the flaps, and form the 8 sided pyramid that will become apparent to you. This is called the "net" of a circle.
This is the mathematics that freed the Mason "builder".

P.S.: If you cut the tip off, it is a lot easier to fold the pyramid at the end. :)
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Can you tell me more about this artifact? As i said before I love astrotheology and I'm very interested.

When did they date this piece to?

*Also, is mathematics modeled after time or infinity? More specifically, is there an origin?

I have tried to find any reference to a 10 point compass but have yet to find anything. Still looking. But, words are a means to meaning. Words themselves tell a story, as well as the individual letters within them.
For instance, the Norse people whom are commonly referred to as Vikings.
It it most likely a reference to Nor ~ Se. North and South East being the two starting points in the sailor's compass.
The Vikings, were the VI~Kings or 6 kings. The six terrestrial gods of the Midgard Realm. Two more of which were in the Asgard Realm and 2 more in the Spiritual Realm. They follow the same geometry as the Kaballah. The reason it's been so hard to deduce their exact locations before was because of this missing link to SE. It seems to have almost been a second "North" to these people. Still working on exactly how.

I would say infinity is modelled after mathematics.
For instance, look again a the "evil" swastika.
Dare you draw this, you will see it's true beauty.
On the top left corner write 52 for weeks in a year
On the top right corner write 7 for days in a week
On the bottom left 28 for days in a month (MOONth)
On the bottom right 13 for weeks in a season (Also months in a year originally)

Now you will see the math of our universe.
Also, you can add all those digits together and they sum 100.
Once you understand all this and can demonstrate it yourself. With this "net", you will become "Fishers" of men.
Serious stuff gentlemen. This is the unity of all faiths. For this is the source of all faiths.
No matter if you are talking to an Eskimo, an Aborigine, or anything in between.
I have tried to find any reference to a 10 point compass but have yet to find anything. Still looking. But, words are a means to meaning. Words themselves tell a story, as well as the individual letters within them.
For instance, the Norse people whom are commonly referred to as Vikings.
It it most likely a reference to Nor ~ Se. North and South East being the two starting points in the sailor's compass.
The Vikings, were the VI~Kings or 6 kings. The six terrestrial gods of the Midgard Realm. Two more of which were in the Asgard Realm and 2 more in the Spiritual Realm. They follow the same geometry as the Kaballah. The reason it's been so hard to deduce their exact locations before was because of this missing link to SE. It seems to have almost been a second "North" to these people. Still working on exactly how.

I would say infinity is modelled after mathematics.
For instance, look again a the "evil" swastika.
Dare you draw this, you will see it's true beauty.
View attachment 3348117
On the top left corner write 52 for weeks in a year
On the top right corner write 7 for days in a week
On the bottom left 28 for days in a month (MOONth)
On the bottom right 13 for weeks in a season (Also months in a year originally)

Now you will see the math of our universe.
Also, you can add all those digits together and they sum 100.

As you state, you see true beauty in the geometrical shapes such as the sawastika, but the abuse of astrotheology has made it evil.

Just as this knowledge likely began with the Seth and passed on to his children, these were supposedly Gods gift of knowledge to man and were ment to stay close to that connection.

Once upon a time this knowledge needed to be hidden from evil men, hence the beginning of occult, which is as you say, hidden knowledge. So the gnostics, mystics, magi, etc kept it close, so mankind could continue to use it for good as opposed to evil.

But therein lies another issue, although the intention is to keep the knowledge for good, man was still the keeper and no man is safe from sin, and therefor used this knowledge for evil. Not so much the power to destroy as much as using it for the power of control. Secrets are never the way to enlightenment.

Jesus Christ and many others acknowledge the occult and this valuable spiritual knowledge in the Bible, but gives advice worth noting.

All the counsel you have received has only worn you out! Let your astrologers come forward, those stargazers who make predictions month by month, let them save you from what is coming upon you. Surely they are like stubble; the fire will burn them up. They cannot even save themselves from the power of the flame. Here are no coals to warm anyone; here is no fire to sit by. That is all they can do for you—these you have labored with and trafficked with since childhood. Each of them goes on in his error; there is not one that can save you. (Isaiah 47:13-15)

I think one can get consumed in the mathematics, which i doubt can bare much fruit to their spiritual enlightenment.

What fruit may come from the stories involved with astrotheology? Personally, I think it is a spiritual maze, to get lost in, perhaps falling away from perhaps the only savior. I dont disagree with the study of it, but one must be careful not to be consumed.

How does the stories explain the neccessary opposing force of good? It must exist yes, but what advice does it aide to man regarding good and evil. I hope it isnt to embrace both.

I studied quite a bit of freemason literature. It was actually what enlightened me. Not to astotheology, but Jesus.